

3. Commendable zeal in practical Christian work. 4. Proficiency in Engli sh, proven by the presentation of a sati sfactory graduating thes is, and by a public address. Students receiving less than this mark must take the work over again, or offer a special examination as the teacher in the particular course may designate. 5. Passing grades in the courses of study. The passing grade in all studies is 75. 6. Soundness in doct rine, to be determined by the F aculty. Students are graduated on completion of the two years' work, at the end of any term. Letters of Recommendation Letters of recommendation are not given to students. The Term Certificate , which represents satisfactory work and char­ acter, answers the purpose of such letters. A student's grades in his studies, however, will be gladly furnished when officially requested by any institution desiring to give credits for work clone at the Institute. In such case the name and address of the Registrar must be furnished to the Secretary of the Faculty of the Institute. The Alumni Association The Alumni Association hold s a la rge place 111 the hearts c_,f all fo rmer Bible Institute student s. T he largest gathering o f t he year is naturally that held in connec6 on with the Graduating Exercises in June. The smaller gatherings held usually in December and March are much en­ joyed by all who can at tend them, the delight ful in fo rmality and sociability that makes so natural and easy the interchange of experi ences have a peculiar cha rm that is lacking in t he la rger and more fo rmal gathering, while t he a fternoon of prayer brings a blessing that is indesc r ibable. All fo rmer students should keep in touch wi th the Asso­ ciati on. T he offi cers fo r the current yea r are: Alan S . Pearce, P res ident; Leonard L. Gaylord , Vice-Pres ident; Elfreda E. Stein, Secretary, and May Cole, Treasurer.


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