

Place of Meeting. Sessions are held in the Bible Inst itute Buildi ng. When to Begin. Students may enter at any time; but the beginning of one of the Te rms is a better t ime to enter than in the midd le of a Term. and at the beginning of the Fa ll Te rm is better still. Expenses. A nomi na l fee of one dolla r a term is charged fo r Regis­ tration. T his mu st accompany appli cation for membershi p. _There a re no tuiti on fees, except for priiā€¢ate lessons in m USIC. Fo r pr ivate vocal lessons or piano lessons, stude nts are Credit s in the Day School for wo rk clone in the Evening School will be awa rel eel in acco rdance with the propo r ti-on of the subject cove red in any parti cul a r course of study consid­ ered in its relation to that study in th e Day School. 1st. T he minimum length of res idence in the cl ay school for g raduati on is one school yea r of three te rms. 2nd . T he minimum work cl one in t he Evening School fo r g rad uat ion after one year's res idence in the day school is fi ve terms' wo rk. T ha t is, a ll the Evening School examinati ons of these five terms to be passed with a grade of a t leas t 73 per cent. 3rd. In the case of a student who has had less than five te rms of wo rk in the Evening School, credit will be gi\'en in the clay school course fo r each subj ect in whi ch the ,,tuclent has passed in the Evening School with a grade of at leas t 73 per cent. T hi s will excuse the evening school student from taking the clay school examinat ions in th at subject, and may excuse the student from attending the class a lso. The latter to be left to the di sc ret ion of the teacher of the subj ect. Admission. Intending students should apply either personally or by ma il , fo r an Applica ti on fo r Admi ss ion fo rm, and af ter fi lling it re turn it at once with the Regi stra tion Fee to THE SECRETARY OF THE EVENING SCHOOL, BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES. given a specia l ra te of one doll a r per lesson. Relation to the Day School of the Institute.


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