


l\1on . 6 :30 l\[ usic,-I-Iarmony.

8 :1 5 Bibl e Doct rine of J esus Chri st. T hurs. 6 :45 Music,-Notation and Sight Reading. 7 :30 Homil eti cs 1. 8 :1 5 Bible Doct rine of J esus Chri st. F ri. 6 :1 5 Persona l Work (Beginners) . 6 :15 Chapter Summa ry-Book of Psalms.

7 :00 \ Vhat to Teach Young P eople. 7 :00 T he L ife and Letters of P aul. 8 :00 Synthet ic Bible Studies, Genes is to Deuteronomy. SECOND YEAR-WINTER TERM.

l\fon. 6 :30 l\ [usic,-Ha rmony.

8 :15 Bible Doctrine of the Holy Spirit.

Thurs. 6 :..J.5 ~[usic.-S ight Singing . 7 :30 Homil eti cs 2.

8 .:1 5 Bibl e Doct rine of th e H oly Spirit.

F ri.

6 :1 5 Pe rsona l \ Vork. 6 :1 5 Chap ter Summa ry-l\[ icah , 1'~ahum. Zephani ah, J eremiah, Lamenta ti ons, Habakkuk, Dan iel, Ezeki el. 7 :00 How to T each Young People. 7 :00 Later Leaders and P rophets of I srael and Judah. R :00 Synthet ic Bibl e Studi es. SECOND YEAR-SPRING TERM.

Mon. 6 :30 ::\ Ju sic.- Ha rmom·.

8 :1 5 Bible Doct rin e of ::\Ian. Thurs. 6 :45 l\[ usic,-Notation and Sight Read ing. 7 :30 Homileti cs 3. 8 :1 5 Bible Doctr ine of l\Ia n. F ri . 6 :Li Persona l \ Vo rk.

6 :15 Chapte r Summary-Ez ra , Hagga i, Zechari ah, Esther. l\ehemi ah, .\l alac hi . 1\[atthew, l\ la rk, Luke, J ohn. 7 :00 How to Teach Young People. 7 :00 Studies in Luke. 8 :00 Syntheti c Bible S tudi es. ( Books to be an­ nounced la ter. ) SUMMER TERM.

Work to be done by co rrespondence.

Chapter Summa ry-Acts and Epi st les.


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