


The Correspondence Course Instruction by correspondence long since ceased to be an experiment and took its well-earned place as a duly accredited method of education. If it lacks the personal touch of the clas s- room, it intensifies the originality and determi nati on of the individual student. The Bible Institute of Los Angeles offers to men and women who are providentially hindered from attending the Institute in person, several courses to be taken by corres­ pondence. Its Advantages While, no doubt, the Institute itself is the mos t desi rable place to carry on one's studies, and alone offe rs the full round of associated departments, yet the corresponding student has these things in his favor. He may 1. Remain at his ordinary occupation. 2. Take up one course and complete it instead of follow­ ing seve_ral courses at the same time. · 3. Arrange the time, place and amount of his studies. Examinations and Certificates A ce rtifi cate will be given to students who pass the required examinations of the course with a grade of 75% or over. All examination papers and other correspondence must be accompanied by full postage for the return mail. Enrollment fees will not be refunded to students dropping the studies. Work done in the Correspondence School wi ll be credited to students who may wish to enter the Institute later. Students requesting it will be enrolled in the Correspond­ ence Course Prayer Circle. Address inquiries, applications, etc., to The Secretary, Correspondence School, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Cal. . Make money orders or checks payable to Bible Institute of Los Angeles.


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