TUI TION There is no charge for tuition except in t he case of private music lessons, voice and piano. Those desiring to pursue wo rk along t hese lines will be refe rred to the Music office for assig nment to one of our Music Inst ructors, whose charges for private lessons are reasonabl e, and to whom the student makes payment direct . . / J /) ~ REGISTRATION FEV Led T here is a regist ration fee of $10.00 each semester, payable on reg~stration day befo re the student's class schedul e is made out. T he Cashier 's rece ipt must be pre sented to the Registrar. Nofee is refunded in case of a student leaving befo re the end of a semeste r. ~ Threegistration fee takes ca re of such expe nses as the maintenance of the Stude·nt Employment Bureau, Hospital Fundand t he se rvice of the School Nurse in cases not requiring hosp ital ca re . Where the student must go to a hos pital, the fund will defraythe cha rge for room and boa rd in one of the best hospitals in the city, to an amount not exceed ing $80 .00. Thi s does not includ e physicians' fees, charges for surg ica l operations, ambulance se rvice, or medicines . Maternit y cases, or illness due to chronic conditions existing a nd not taken care of befo re entering t he In stitute, or accidents clue to ca relessness or reckl ess ness, wil l not ent itl e a st ude nt to the privi leges of the F u nd . In case of an epidem ic t he F und wi ll be used as far as it will go, when a further contribution wi ll be necessary. EXPENSE OF ROOM AND BOARD The present rate for room and board is $8 .25 a week, payable in advance. Owing to the uncertainty of market conditions, th is rate is subject to change from t ime to time. The I nstitute aims to charge st udents onl y t he actua l cost fo r board and room. The rooms in the Institute a re singl e rooms, comfortably furnis hed, li g hted, hea ted and suppli ed wit h run ning water, hot and co ld. The In stit ute suppli es the lin ens and launders the sa me. Students take ca re of their rooms. Excell ent table board is provided in the Inst itu te di ning room. EMPLOYMENT AND FINANCIAL AID Stu dents entering fo r the first t ime must have suffi cient fund s to ca rry them t h rough at least the first semester, approximately $160.00 for board and room. Pro vision should also be made for personal expenditu res beyond th is amount. For the benefit of st udents need ing some help in defray ing t hei r expenses, the In st itute ma inta ins a Student Employment Burea u, th rough wh ich many st udents are placed in positions for part time work. Many students ca n give two or three hours a day to remunerati ve employment in stores a nd restaurants, and by ca refu ll y budget ing their time ca n maintain their sta nd ing in classes. W here consi derable time is necessa ry in employment th e student may be required to take a reduced schedul e and thus prolong hi s time of st ud y at the Inst itute before g raduation. Definite regulations rega rding hours of employment wi ll be found in the Stu dents ' H andbook.
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