

Diplomas will be granted upon the following condit ions: 1. Three to fo ur yea rs' res ident wo rk in Los Angeles, with req ui site residence in the Institute, accord ing to requirements of course and recognition on com pl eti on of course pursued . T he regular schedul e ca ll s for fifteen curricular hours of classroom work per week. Thi s allows fifteen semeste r hours cred it each semester. Two non­ curricul a r credits are allowed fo r practi cal wo rk, making a tota l of seventee n hours each semester, or thirty-four each yea r. For g raduation from a three-year course, a minimum of ninety-s ix and for a four-year co urse, a minimum of 128 cred it hours. 2. App roved Christian cha racte r. 3. Commendabl e zeal in practical Chri stia n wo rk . 4. Profi ciency in E ngli sh . 5. Passing g rades in all the required wo rk . 6. Soundness in doctr ine, to be determined by the fac ulty. Certificate-For those who have cove red the work of a three or fo ur-year course, but who have not met the full requirements for a DIPLOMA of the Inst itute-a CER­ T! FI CATE will be awa rded. On the completion of the full requirements and the surrende r of the ce rtifi ca te, the holder will be entitled to the Diploma of the Institute acco rding to the Course of Study pursued. Note-The courses of the Moody Bibl e Institute of Chi cago being almost iden­ t ica l with those of the Bible Inst itute of Los Angel es , it is poss ibl e to g rant students of that institution equal cred it fo r st udi es take n there, and also to grant equal all ow­ ances for res idence the re to the extent of one yea r. DEGREES The Bible Institute is gratified to announce that it is now abl e to give recognition in the way of appropriate degrees to those who are qualifi ed by previous work and who meet the requirements of such degrees. At present three FOUR-YEAR COURSES a re offered lead ing to degrees, fo r those qualifi ed by p re-requi site training, and who maintain a standa rd of not less than eighty per cent throughout each of the four yea rs. The fo llowi ng degrees a re offered: For those maj oring in Theology-the degree of Bachelor of Theology. For those majoring in Chri stian Educat ion- the degree of Bachelor of Chri st ian Edu ca tion. For those majo ring in Sacred Music-the degree of Bachelor of Sacred Music. T he requirement for the Bachelor of Sacred Music-includes satisfactory com­ pl etion of Co urse III- Junior Recita l and Senior Recital (Voice or Instrumental major )-One original eight-pa rt 96-measure choral compos it ion. One ori gi nal 96-meas ure composition orchest rated fo r fifteen in struments. ADVANCED STANDING Those who have compl eted wo rk in anothe r accredited Bible Institute, semin a ry, coll ege or uni ve rsi ty, may apply for advanced standing, eve n if the cou rses a re not in all cases the exact equival ent of those given in the Bible Institute of Los Ange les . T he Registrar will give an approximate eva luat ion to such work. A defin ite eva lu a­ tion of cred its for wo rk done in other institution s will not be made until the close of the fi rst semester of res idence in the Bible In stitute, sin ce it is the pol icy of the school not to enroll students as candidates for a degree, diploma or ce rtifi ca te until the end of their fir st semester. The evaluation made at thi s time may later be modi ­ fied in case of the fa ilure of a student to com pl ete advanced courses with satisfac­ to ry g rades.


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