




There are praye r circles which are pledged to daily prayer and commitment of Scriptures. Sick-beds and sor­ rowing members are not forgotten, as the many messages and visits prove. Absentees are kept in constant touch with the Club by a committee which looks after such correspond­ ence, and the cheery Christian letters are a help and blessing. The Club has many representatives in the foreign and home field s, and each yea r there are many from the Club to take up the regular Course of study in the Institute to pre­ pare them for such work. STUDENT MISSI Ol'<JARY UNION The object of thi s organi zati on of the student bodv is to stimulate and foster interest in the ernngel izat;on of the needy places of the world, both in the "Home' ' and "Foreign" fi elds. T he U ni on under its own officers and comm ittees, meets once a week. A large part of the time is spent in definite pra\·er for the definite needs of mi ss ionaries on the field , and conditions in the fi eld. Letters from fo rmer student s have a prom;nent place at thi s meeting, and there is usually an address from a returned mi ss ionary, which keeps the students in cl o ·e touch with all parts of the world . There are two classes of members, Active and Associate. T he forme r sign a declarati on o f purpose to give thei1· li ves to evangelistic work in the H ome or F oreign field , as the case may be. The latter s;gn a declaration promi sing to support the cau se of world enngelization by prayer and gif ts. l\Iembership is open to all students of the Inst itute, in­ cluding those in the Evening and Co rrespondence Schools.


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