VIII· A Course in the Philosophy of the Christian Religion. Note : Two-year students wi ll be permitted to take only part of th is course. T hi s course a;ms to interpret Chri stiani ty in its wor ld set ting and to consider t he Yalidity of its clai ms in th e light of Ph il osophy. Science and Criti cism. ConstructiYel y thi s wi ll mea n a study of t he Bible Philosophy of Rel igion. It will follow two de finit e lines of study, each cm·ering a peri od of three school years . First, a study of the history of the Chri st ian Relig ion . Second , an interpretat ion of t he hi story. (FrnsT YE.\R \\'01n::) I. T he O ri g in and DeYelopment of the Chri stian Reli gion. 1. The 1/'or!d Backgrou nd. (a) Greek T hought-an outline of the result of men 's encl ea1·o r to understa nd hi story and the world. (b) Roman Pol it ics-an outline of t he resu lts of human G01·e rn111ents . (c) H ebrew and popu la r relig ions-an outline of t he issues of mens' t hinking about Goel . 2 . Birth, L ife. ::\l ini stry, Death and Resurrection of Chri st. A br;ef stncl v of the H istor ical Chri st-or t he Chri st of the Gospels . 3. The ori gin of the Church and t he confli ct and deYelop ment of the Chri st ian relig ion in the fir st four cen turi es A . D . -1- . The orgin a nd de1·clopment of the Roman Ca tholi c a nd Greek Cat holi c Churches up to t he 12th Century. (SECO=" D YEAR \\·oRK) :1. The Rrfor111-atio11. (a) The worlcl a ncl pol it ical background. ( h) The Relig ious a nd Ecclesia st ica l background. (c) The ori gi n, nature and signi fican ce of the th ree g reat branches of t he Refo rmation-the Lutheran, E ngli sh a nd Reformed.
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