

(THIRD YEAR \ VORK ) 6. T he ri se and development of the modern Church with its new attitude ( whi ch is usually referred to as "The l\focl ern l\fincl") and its mi ss ionary, phi lanth ropic a nd social movement s. Thi s will be an endeavor to get the hi stori cal bas;s and background of the complex and acute problems with which the church is now con­ fro nted in its thinking and acti v ities. II. T he Philosophical Interpretati on of these Facts of Religion . T his wi ll be an endeavo r to find the source, mean;ng and sign ifi cance of the fact of religion as found in the history studies. (FIRST YEAR \\'ORK) 1. T he interpretation of the world as it finds its culmination in man and t he social order. This will be a n endeavor to get a clear idea of t he d iffe rent theories of the origi n and meaning of our world with special regard to the or igin, nature and meaning of religion. Th;s wi ll im·oh ·e the d ifferent theori es of evolut ion and the quest ion of t he poss i­ bility and nature of reYelation . (SECOKD YEAR \Vo1u::) 2. Jesus Chr ist as the highest express ion of life and the logical key to the fin al meaning of our world and the supreme a uthori ty in relig;on. Th is will be largely a study in co111parati1·e religions in whi ch the re wi ll be an endeavor to see the nature and signifi cance of the d iffe rent world relig ions and to find the fu ndamental r easons why Chr; sti a ni ty is the unii•crsal and final reli g ion. (TmRD YEAR \YoRK) 3. A study of Chri st ianity as a supernatural and redempti ve relig ion as affected by modern Science, P hi losophy and Critici sm. In thi s course we wi ll frankl y fa ce the claims of so-called scienti fic a nd hi storical methods that definitel y exclude the supernatural a nd t ry to ex­ plain religi on on a purely naturali st ic or sem-natural-


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