in the study of such vi tal topi cs as: The Preacher as a Stu dent ; Hints on Reading; The Minister's Office or Study; Buy ing Books-\Vh en, How and \iVhat; Hearers, and How to T reat Them; Relation of the Messenger to hi s Message; The Preacher's Loyalty to hi s Master, to his Message and to Men; Dangers to Avoid in the Ministry; Church Gove rnment- H ow to Treat Chu rch Officer s; T he Mid-week Prayer Meeting, its Value, its Leaders, its Topics and its Dangers; The Mini ster 's Relation to the Children of His Parish ;-Dealing With Child Convers ion and Child T ra ining and Work for Children in General; Meetings for Children Only; Sermons fo r Child ren; Visitati on or Pas toral Calling ; Illustrat ions, their F uncti on, Character and Source. XXV. Music T he prime object of the music instruct ion is t o equip the student thoroughly fo r every demand made upon the Chris tian wo rker in playing, singing, conducting, writing and teach ing Gospel music. It prepares for every branch of church music activity. Courses are offe red in Voice, Piano, O rgan , Violin, Theory and Notation, and Sight Singing, Conducting, Harmony and Composition, Normal Training, Hymnology, Advanced Chorus and Ear Training. In all in st ruction a standard is maintained in technique equal to that of the bes t conservatories, and provision is made fo r work in Voice, Piano, Organ, Counterpoint and Composi tion more advanced than that outlined in the regular two years course and mentioned in the preceding paragraph. The inst ructi on in voice, piano, organ and violin is indi vidual , and a nominal charge of $1.00 fo r half-hour lessons is made for voice, piano and violin, and $ 1. 50 fo r pipe organ. To persons not enrolled as regular student s the rate for private inst ruction is double the student rate quoted above. 1. NOTATION, THEORY AND SIGHT SINGING Thi s subject gives a foundation for all other music train ing, and is pursued ve ry thoroughly. Nota tion I. cove rs the rudiments of music, a mastery of scale relation and the major keys; Notation II. continues thi s work and gives drill in more
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