



in the study of such vi tal topi cs as: The Preacher as a Stu­ dent ; Hints on Reading; The Minister's Office or Study; Buy­ ing Books-\Vh en, How and \iVhat; Hearers, and How to T reat Them; Relation of the Messenger to hi s Message; The Preacher's Loyalty to hi s Master, to his Message and to Men; Dangers to Avoid in the Ministry; Church Gove rnment- H ow to Treat Chu rch Officer s; T he Mid-week Prayer Meeting, its Value, its Leaders, its Topics and its Dangers; The Mini ster 's Relation to the Children of His Parish ;-Dealing With Child Convers ion and Child T ra ining and Work for Children in General; Meetings for Children Only; Sermons fo r Child ren; Visitati on or Pas toral Calling ; Illustrat ions, their F uncti on, Character and Source. XXV. Music T he prime object of the music instruct ion is t o equip the student thoroughly fo r every demand made upon the Chris­ tian wo rker in playing, singing, conducting, writing and teach­ ing Gospel music. It prepares for every branch of church music activity. Courses are offe red in Voice, Piano, O rgan , Violin, Theory and Notation, and Sight Singing, Conducting, Harmony and Composition, Normal Training, Hymnology, Advanced Chorus and Ear Training. In all in st ruction a standard is maintained in technique equal to that of the bes t conservatories, and provision is made fo r work in Voice, Piano, Organ, Counterpoint and Composi­ tion more advanced than that outlined in the regular two years course and mentioned in the preceding paragraph. The inst ructi on in voice, piano, organ and violin is indi­ vidual , and a nominal charge of $1.00 fo r half-hour lessons is made for voice, piano and violin, and $ 1. 50 fo r pipe organ. To persons not enrolled as regular student s the rate for private inst ruction is double the student rate quoted above. 1. NOTATION, THEORY AND SIGHT SINGING Thi s subject gives a foundation for all other music train­ ing, and is pursued ve ry thoroughly. Nota tion I. cove rs the rudiments of music, a mastery of scale relation and the major keys; Notation II. continues thi s work and gives drill in more


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