

Suggestions for Preparatory Work

Hereafter appl:cants for admi ss ion to the Bible In st itute will be examined soon after their arrival_as to their ab ility to wr ite and speak the E ng li sh language co rrect ly. ancl as to their abi li ty to spell and pronounce word correct ly and to express themseh·es g ramatica ll y and attract iYely. As we ha\·e found that many graduates of High Schools and Coll eges cannot spell cor rect ly nor write letters att ract ively. College graduates and High School g raduates will be examined as to t heir ability in these directions. All appli cant s for admi ss ion into t he In st itute whose knowledge of Engli sh, Spelling, Pronunciation , Gram­ mar , Compos it ion and Penmanship is found defect ive wi ll be required to attend classes g iving preparatory work . These classes will not be conducted by the slow, old-fashi oned and in­ effective methods frequentl y still used in our publi c and pr ivate schools. Appli cants will a lso be exam ined in Bible Geography, the St ructure of the Bible, the Names and T it les of the Bible and their sign ifi cance, the d ivisions and ord er of the books and t he Canon of Scripture; and if they are unable to pass a sa ti sfac­ tory examinat ion on these matters they will be required to at­ tend p reparatory classes a long these lines . In cases where too much preparatory work ha s to be taken to permit the student to carry the regular two year course and complete it in two years, it will be necessary to take the two year course in three yea rs, in which case the students, on com­ pleting th e course, will be gi\·en not the diploma for the Three Year Course for Pastors, but onl y the ordi nary two year diploma.


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