It is intend ed, also, for those who haYe had a Yery sat;s facto ry preparation in many ways fo r the work. but \~ho see their need of further training in ach·anced methods of Bible study and teaching, and also in tried a ncl approYed methods of ca rryin°· on the more aggress i\'e forms of work now bei ng adopted by the more successfu l e\·angeli stic churches. The course will be fo und profitable fo r a nyone who desires to be a thoroughl y equipped Chr; st ia n worker. The Bible In st itute has had fr om its incept ion a large number of returned mi sionaries taking speci.a l work with it during their furl oughs. \\" e are confident that this enlarged course will make the work at the Institute e\·en more att ract iYe to them.
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