



Tuition Fees There are no tuition fee s; but fo r private lessons in vocal and instrumental mu sic th ere is a nominal charge as follows: Vo ice, piano and violin ..... ....... ......... .......$ 1.00 Pipe organ .... ............. ............................... 1.50 Student s' wiYes, hu sband s, or children, and mi ss ionari es on furl ouo-h will also be granted these rates . Registration Fee There is a regi stration fee of one do ll a r ($1.00) a term­ This is payable on the Regi strati on Day of each term, before the student 's class schedule is made out. The Cashier 's receipt mu st be presented to the Regi strar. Thi s fee wi ll not be re­ funded in case a student leaves th e In stitute. Hospital and Nurse's Fund Every registered student, rooming in th e main or adja­ cen t Institute buildings and boa rding in the student s' dining room, is required to contribute two dollars ($2 .00 ) a term to the Hospital and Nurse's Fund. Thi s entitles the student to the se rvices of the res ident nurse in cases not requiring hospi­ tal care. \ iVhere the student mu st go to the hospita l, th e Fund will defray the charge for room and board in one of the best hospital s in the city, to the amount of eighty dollars ($80.00 ). Thi s does 11ot include physician s' fees, charges for surgi cal ope rati ons, ambulance service, or mecl·:c,n es . Illness clue to chronic conditi ons exi sting befo re enter ing th e In stitute, or accidents clue to carelessness or recklessness, wi ll not entitl e a student to the pri vileges of th e Fund. In case of an epidemic, the Fund will be used as far as it will go, when a furth er contributi on will be necessa ry. Regi stered stud ent s rooming in th e In stitute dormitories, but not boarding in the stud ent s' dining room, are required to contribute one dollar ($ 1.00) a term to the fund , which en­ titles them to the se rvices of the nurse in cases of slight ill­ ness; but not to the Hospital sen·i ce . Expense of Room and Board Unmarried students are required to room and board in the Institute buildings, but in th e case of a student who resides with parents or relatives in the city, or \\·hose employment is of such


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