
SUMMER SCHOOL A six-weeks Summer School from the middle of June to the end of July is con­ ducted each year and the summer courses have been strengthened to cooperate with government requirements for theological students. All work satisfactorily completed is counted hour for hour on diploma or degree courses. Classes are taught by the regular Biola Faculty. Dormitory accommodations are available for all studen ts . Sufficient work may be taken during the summer to lighten the winter schedule or to decrease the time in residence. Beginning with the summer session of 1944, evening classes will be held in con­ nect ion with the Summer School. BIBLE CORRESPONDENCE COURSES The Bible Institute of Los Angeles offers to men and women throughou t the world the opportunity of obtaining a working knowledge of the Bible through its several comprehensive, systematic, and inexpensive courses. The courses, printed in loose-leaf form, making the lessons adaptable for indi­ vidual or class use, are designed for the purpose of causing the student to see for h imself the clear teaching of the Word of God on the subjects studied. Four courses offer credit for residential study at the Institute's Day School. Send for free Prospectus describing in detail all of our nineteen courses. Address: The Correspondence School. EVENING SCHOOL The Evening School meets the need of the Christian who finds Day School attend­ ance impossible. Sunday Schcol workers, and all others who take seriously their most effective witness for Jesus Christ, find a valuable training here. The courses offered are a part of the Day School curriculum, and are taught by regular members of the Faculty. Full Day School credit is allowed for each subject taken. Certain courses lead to the Evangelical Teacher Training Certificate. In response to popular demand for proper recognition of the work accomplished in the Evening School, a plan has been completed whereby a suitable diploma will be awarded for completion of the three-year course. This course will consist of eighteen units of Bible subjects, ten units of Bible related subjects and eight units of elective courses.


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