
EVANGELICAL TEACHER TRAINING ASSOCIATION The Evangelical Teacher Training Association, organized in 1931, is an associ­ ation of more than one hundred Bible schools, evangelical colleges and seminaries who wi ll give, as part of their reg ular training, courses leading to a Teacher Train­ ing Certificate. Requirements of the Standard Course of the a ssociation are met by Bible Insti­ tute studen ts who take the following courses: Bible 144 hours Eng. Bible 101-104 Personal Evangelism 36 hours Eng. Bible 114 Missions 36 hours Missions 90 1 Bible Geography .. . 12 hours Chr. Educ. 602 Biblical Introduction 12 hours .Apologetics 30 1 Child Study 15 hours Chr. Educ. 603 Pedagogy 15 hours Chr. Educ. 601 Sunday School Administration 15 hours .Chr. Educ . 607 Departmental Specialization and related subjects 48 hours .Chr. Educ. 608 or 609 Electives 99 hours Any subject of- fered at the Instit u te SCHOOL HONORS The Phi Alpha Chi Christian Scholastic Honor Society was established at Gordon College to give recognition to high scholastic attainment in Christian training schools of collegiate standing. The Bible Seminary of Los Angeles has a chapter of Phi Alpha Ch i, a nd each year elections to its membership are made from the members of the grad,iating class who have maintained a grade average of A- (Grade point 2.0) or better throughout their course. The charter permits up to 15% of the graduating class to be so honored Students completing the three-year Institute courses with an average of A­ (grade point 2..0) or above are graduated Cum Laude. SCHOLARSHIPS The Helen Day Fuller scholarships were established in 1942 by Charles E. Fu ll er (Biola '2 1) in loving memory of his mother. Each semester the faculty of the Institute selects one woman and one man from the third or fourth year class to receive these awards. The choice is made on the basis o f spirituality, scholarship standing, attitudes, and need. The Jean Bernard Student Fund, established by the will of Jean Bernard, provides a loan fund to assist students studying to be missionaries . Money from this fund is loaned to qualifying students without interest. LIBRARY FACILITIES The Biola Library, now containing more than 10,500 volumes, is a valuable aid to the study of the Book of Books. The majority of these volumes are on Biblical sub­ jects. In addition to available books , the Library offers special services to students for practical work assignments. Scripturegraph materials, object lessons, and pictures for story telling are available, also charts outlining dispensational and other Scrip­ ture material for teaching. Sermon materials are fil ed according to subject and al so according to book and chapter reference.


The Reading Room is a pleasant place in which to study. Many a Biola student has found here not on ly a rich storehouse, but also a sanctuary where life lessons are learned in the light of God's Word.

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