
814-815 GOSPEL SONG COMPOSITION (I, II) gives practice in the creation and in the writing of music and words for Gospel Songs of harmonic and me lodic strnngth. A public presentation of the work done in class concludes the year's work. -Dr. Hooker 816-817 HYMNOLOGY (I, II) surveys the hymn mate1ial of the Church, past and present, through a study of the writers grouped by periods, and of the cir­ cumstances surrounding the creation of the great hymns. Miss Morgan 818-819 COUNTERPOINT (I, II) makes a study of the art of combining melodies. Work is done in free counterpoint culminating in original 2- and 3-part inventions . -Mrs. Tovey 820-821 COMPOSITION (I, II) consists of original music writing: the section, the phrase, the period, primary 2- and 3-part forms, and motive development. - Dr. Brignall 822 -823 ORCHESTRATION (I . II) begins with a study of acoustics, which leads to a study of each of the orchestral and band instruments, its range, tone quality, and proper use in combinations. The orchestration of hymns is the practical application of the theory learned. -Dr. Brignall


SENIOR THESIS AND SEMINAR reviews the material of the entire music course . The preparation and writing of the thesis is done under supervision. -Mrs. Tovey

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