
MISSIONS 901-907 John A. Hubbard-Department Head


MISSIONS I (Survey) looks into the great mission fields of the world, and examines the past missionary work and the present need. - Mr. Hillis

MISSIONS II (Principles) searches out the actual methods of missionary work found in the Word and with this basis looks into the life of the presen t-day missionary on the field. -Mr. Hillis


903-904 ANTHROPOLOGY (I, II), a specially designed course for missionary candi ­ dates, emphasizes the practical and utilitarian aspect of general anthropol­ ogy, Besides general anthropolog ical background this couse d e als speci fi cally with race culture, customs, and religions. -Mr. Ramm


MISSIONARY LEADERSHIP examines the practical problems of the mission field, such as missionaries' relationships to the government, the native church, etc., and seeks to solve the problems that hinder true missionary statesmanship. -Mr. Hillis

906-907 FIRST AID AND HOME NURSING prepare the student to meet modern emer­ gencies and to care for circumstances of accident and illness when a doctor is not immediately available. These courses are both given under the Red Cross, and a certificate is awarded for the completion of the work in First Aid -Mrs. Henry, Miss Gardner

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