
8. Are you sing le, engaged, married, a widower , widow or divorced*

*If divorced please state the ground on which the divorce was secured . 9. If marri ed, would your wife/h usband come with you ?


10. H ave you children?

How many ?

11. Is your hea lth good?


you any physical disability? .

Have yo u ever done so?

12. Do you use tobacco?

lf so, when did you stop? .


you ever done so?


13. D o yo u use liquor in any form?

If so, when did you stop? ..

High School?

14. What grade d id you lirnsh 111 Grammar School? ..

I 5. What co ll ege, theological seminary, o r Bible Institute have you attended, and for how


16. What business experience have you had?

17. When did you accept Ch rist as your Sav iour and Master?

18. H ave you been out of fellows hip since then?

When were you restored to fellowship?

19 . To what denominati on do you belong?

20 . W hat is the name and address of the Church of which you are a member?

21. What Chri stian work have you done, and what are you now doing?

22. H ave you ever led anyone to accept Christ?

23. What musical instrument do you play?

.Do you sing?

24. Why do you wish to en ter the lnstitute?

25. If accepted, when do you expect to enter the Institute? 26. How long do yo u expect to remain?What

line of Christian work do you

expect to engage in when you leave?


27. How much money will you have when you enter, to meet your expenses?

Is there anyone dependent upon you for support? .

28. Are yo u in debt? . 29. If accepted as a student, are yo u wi lling to submit cheerfully to all the regulations of the

Institute and do whatever work you are assigned?


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