

The staff of the Field Department performs the inconspicuous but important task of familiarizing church organizations, communities, and countless homes of Christian folk in general with the activities of the Bible Insti tute of Los Angeles. Along with their task of bringing the financial needs of the Insti tute to the Christian public, it is their desire to sow the seed and to enlist prayer support. Contacts by these workers have proved to be a means of recruit ing new students for Biola as well as providing for those who are already here. The members of the Field Department are: Eugene Poole, T . E. Elgin, Miss Christina Braskamp, and Paul Pietsch, who are working in the Southern California a rea, together with John W. Thomas of Santa Cruz, California, who represents the work in the northern section of the state.


For those who are prevented from attending regu lar day classes, an Evening School is held three evenings each week. A cycle of classes is planned to benefit the lay worker in church and Sunday School with a knowledge of Bible sub jects and studi es in the Christian Education field . In a period of four years it is possible to take, through Evening School classes, sufficient courses to earn an Evening School diploma and also to satisfy the requirements for the certificate of the Evangelical T eacher Training Association. The Departmental Work Shops, introduced through the Sunday School Convention, have become so popular that they are being continued in connection with the Institute' s Evening School program.


Each year, the Bible Institute of Los Angeles conducts a six weeks' Summer School in which members of the regular faculty serve as instructors. Regular day- school credit, up to six semester hours, is granted upon satisfactory completion of subjects. The schedule is designed to appeal to many types of individuals who for various-reasons desire to acquaint themselves more thoroughly with God's Word. Those to whom the Summer School especially appeals include the fo llowing: pastors who desire to take refresher courses, Christian education workers, choi r directors, Sunday School teachers , secular school teachers, high school students, and many others who wish to spend a purposeful and profitable vacation time of spiritual enrichment. 18

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