
ELIGIBILITY FOR EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Non-credit Acti vities. All groups or individuals who represent the school require satisfactory standing as to application, cooperation, spiritual life, and scholastic attain­ ment ( the grade average must be a C for the preceding semester), and must be approved by the faculty. Students desiring to organize S.M.U. or Deputation teams or to accept speaking engagements must first consult with the Director of Christian Service. The musical personnel and programs for all teams must be approved by the Music Department.


One year of residence study is required of all students for graduation for the diploma or degree.

REGISTRATION AND LATE REGISTRATION No person shall be considered a registered student until his entrance card is fully signed. A student with sufficiently good reason may register as late as the end of the second week of class · work. However, incomplete or late registration is subject to a $5.00 fee. Those who do not attend classes by reason of late entrance are obligated to make up all class work. EVANGELICAL TEACHER TRAINING ASSOCIATION The Evangelical Teacher Training Association, organized in 1931, is an association of more than one hundred Bible schools, evangelical colleges and seminaries who will give, as part of their regular training, courses leading to a Teacher Training Certificate. Requirements of the Standard Course of the association are met by Bible Institute students who take the following courses : Bible ......................................................................144 hours-Eng. Bible 103-104, 203, 204 Personal Evangelism ........................................ 36 hours-Eng. Bible 107 Missions ................................................................ 36 hours-Missions 201 Bible Geography ................................................ 12 hours-Chr. Educ. 106 Biblical Introduction ........................................ 12 hours-English Bible 102 Child Study .......................................................... 15 hours- Chr. Educ. 103 Pedagogy .............................................................. 15 hours-Chr. Educ. 201 Sunday School Administration ...................... 15 hours-Chr. Educ. 403 Departmental Specialization and related subj ects .......................................... 48 hours-Chr. Educ. 305, 306 Electives ......................................... ....................... 99 hours-Any subject offered at the Institute 24

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