

The Bible Institute of Los Angeles is authorized to train students under the G. I . Bill of Rights. Veterans who desire to come to school under the G. I. Bill of Rights should secure a Certificate of Eligibility from their local office of Veterans Administra­ tion before Registration Day. Married veterans who desire subsistence for dependents should have substantial proof of same, such as marriage certificate and birth certificates of their children. Veterans must pay their regular registration fees and other expenses themselves until they receive their authorization of subsistence allowance, some time after enroll­ ment in the school, at which time these fees will be refunded.


This course offered to Freshmen is intended as means of establishing the student in techniques of study and informing him relative to the traditions and purposes of the school.


Biola expects to enlarge its counselling program through use of tests and measure­ ments administration to all incoming students. Work is already begun on this phase of student administration. The administration of student counselling is in the hands of the Superintendent of Men, Superintendent of Women, and Assistant Superintendent of Women.


The Phi Alpha Chi Christian Scholastic Honor Society. was established at Gordon College to give recognition to high scholastic attainment in Christian training schools of collegiate standing. The Bible Institute of Los Angeles has a chapter of Phi Alpha Chi, and each year elections to its membership are made from the members of the graduating class who are candidates for degrees and who have a scholastic average of grade point 2.0 or better throughout their course. The charter permits 15% of the degree graduates to be so honored. Students completing the three-year Institute courses with an average of 2.0 or above are graduated with honors. 25

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