
501 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. A study of the structure and function of the human body. Emphasis is laid on the relation of structure to function. This is taught by means of laboratory exercises and lectures. Credit, two hours . 502-503 CLIN lCS I AND II. Held in the hospital or in Biola Infirmary for a period of eight months. The student practices twelve hours a week in the hospital wards or in the Bible Institute Infirmary. Teaching demonstrations are given as well as practical work opportunities in Medicine, Surgery and Obstetrics. Credit, one hour each semester.


COMMUNICABLE DISEASES. A study of all common communicable dis­ eases. Emphasis is placed upon the aspects of bacteriology and immunology that are pertinent to an understanding of the infectious diseases. Credit, one hour. SURGICAL FIRST AID. The standard beginning and intermediate course of first aid is presented under the regulations of the American Red Cross. This study prepares the student to meet the emergencies in accident and illness when a doctor is not immediately available. A certificate is awarded for the completion of the work. Credit, one hour. EAR, NOSE, AND THROAT. A study of the common diseases of the ear, nose, and throat. Simple techniques in diagnosis and treatment are demonstrated and an opportunity is given for some clinic practice. Credit, one hour. INTERNAL MEDICINE. A study of the science of disease. This course is devoted to special systematic pathology. Credit, two hours.





PHARMACOLOGY I. A study of drugs and solutions. Credit, one hour.


PHARMACOLOGY II. Includes elementary pharmacy and toxicology, with a consideration of crude drugs, and practice in making drugs and solutions. Emphasis is placed on the evidence bearing directly on the human subject in health and disease. Credit, one hour. ORIENTATION-MEDICO. A presentation of the ethics and philosophy underlying the whole purpose of the missionary medical school is given in this course, with special emphasis on legal medicine, nursing arts, psychiatry, pedi­ atrics, and missionary medicine. Credit, one hour. PERSONAL AND COMMUNITY HYGIENE. An opportunity is given to find the forces and factors that are involved in maintaining health. It gives the student up-to-date health facts and views, applying them to daily life. It includes a study of each system of the body in relation to the best possible hygiene for the maintenance of health. Credit, one hour. PUBLIC HEALTH AND SANITATION. The problem of sanitation in rural communities is studied. Experts in the field of Public Health present plans for establishing healthful community living in the tropics and remote areas of the world. Credit, one hour. BACTERIOLOGY. An introduction to the study of microscopic organisms, including bacteria, yeasts, mold, and protozoa. Special emphasis is on labora­ tory procedures associated with the study of pathogenic organisms. Credit, one hour. 76





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