
514-527 LABORATORY SCIENCE I and II. The pathological significance of labora­ tory science is presented in lectures and studies. This is followed by practical laboratory diagnosis of urine, blood, sputum, stools, and stomach content. Credit, one hour each semester. 515 NUTRITION. Devoted to the study of diet in disease and health, with special emphasis placed on vitamins found in wholesome food. An opportunity is given for individual research in the possibility of normal nutrition on the mission fi eld of choice. Credit, two hours.


OBSTETRICS. With the aid of mannikins, slides, and moving pictures, a thorough study of the science and art of childbirth is presented. Opportunity is given to attend and observe obstetrical cases under the management of the clinic supervisors. Credit, two hours. SURGERY-MAJOR AND MINOR Lectures and demonstration on major and minor surgery. Special lectures on orthopedic work are conducted in the orthopedic clinic. Credit, one hour. DERMATOLOGY AND TROPICAL DISEASES. The prevention, diag­ nosis and treatment of the common tropical diseases, with special emphasis on the public health aspect. Recent research conducted by the armed forces in the tropical areas of the world will be made available. Credit, two hours. BIBLE I. Under the Navigators' plan and leadership, Bible memorization and analysis is presented. BIBLE II. Gives opportunity for spiritual refreshment with analytical Bible studies. DENTAL SCIENCE. Dental conditions, lectures on oral hygiene and treat­ ment as well as oral surgery. Credit, one hour. DENTAL LABORATORY. Laboratory diagnosis, experiments and observa~ tions of dental surgery. Credit, one hour.







523 EYE DISEASES. A study of the common diseases of the eye. Some clinic practice. Credit, one hour. 524-525 NURSING ARTS I AND II. Teaching demonstrations, practice opportunities and clinical observations in surgical, medical and obstetrical nursing skills. Credit, two hours each semester. 526 GYNECOLOGY. A thorough study of the diagnosis and treatment of women's diseases. Special emphasis is given to prevention. Credit, one hour.


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