
THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION The Alumni Association includes in its membership all graduates of the Day School from any course leading to a diploma or degree, and all graduates of the Evening School Course. Also, any fo rmer student who finished at least one-half of his course may apply and be voted into membership by the Alumni Executive Committee. Its associate membership comprises all students who have been regularly enrolled for one or more semesters of study. The purpose of the Alumni Association is to preserve the spirit of Biola fellowship through the years, and to serve the Institute by advertising, by distribution of literature, and by the undertaking of such projects as require unified support. This Association is composed of 3,200 graduates of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. According to present records over 550 Alumni are serving at present on foreign fields as missionaries. Alumni Day at the Bible Intitute is observed twice a year, a midyear meeting for fellowship and the annual reunion at Commencement, at which time officers are elected for the ensuing year. The business of the organization is carried out by an Executive Committee con- sisting of seven office rs . Those serving for the year 1949-50 are as fo llows :

President, C. Harold Chrisman, '31 Vice-President, Lyman Wendt, '34 Corresponding Secretary, Gladys Erickson, '34 Recording Secretary, Inez McGahey, '43 Treasurer, Robert Dell, '46 Office Secretary and Alumnews Editor, Nancy Woolnough, '47

In the last few years, under the leadership of Herbert Bruce, '43, who has gone to be with the Lord, the idea of sectiona l chapters has been developed. The purpose of the Chapters is to bind together in fe llowship and prayer the graduates of a given area. To date the following Chapters have been organ ized : ALPHA CHAPTER - Organi zed Ma rch 8, 1948, at Fresno, California President, Deward Lowrey, '45 Vice -President, Rev. Paul Tibbets, '40 Secretary, Mrs . Samuel Brave (nee Aghavnie Boyajian), '30 BETA CHAPTER Organized Apri l 26, 1948, at Dinuba, California President, Dave Hofer, '36 Vice-President, Herbert Peterson, '32 Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Henry R. Ma rtens (nee Lydia Eitzen), '21 GAMMA CHAPTER - Organized May 6, 1948, at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles President, C. Harold Chrisman, '36 Vice-President, Leonie V . Soubirou, '28 BRUCE CHAPTER Organized March 8, 1949, at Oakland, California President, H arold Willadsen, '44 Vice-President, Margaret Hart, '38 Secretary-Trasurer, Ruth Evans, '35 EPSILON CHAPTER - Organized June 28, 1949, at Salem, Oregon President, Leonard Harms, '24 Secretary-Treasurer, Alice Goffrier, '48 Information concerning the service of graduates in all parts of the world and of school events of special interest to Alumni is furnished by the A lumnews magazine pub­ li shed three times each year . 73

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