

Thousands in this vicinity hear the W ord, through our work­ ers, each year. Indoor services and open air meetings have been added, and much personal work done. Conversions take place constantly, and converts are supplied with tracts, Gos­ pels and Testaments. Many of them go forth into this State, or back to Mexico, to carry the tidings of free and full salva­ tion. Our Spanish Mission work has been going on for eight years, and extends among the Mexican population throughout Southern California. The Jewish Work The recent persecution of the Jews in Poland, and the call upon the Gentiles for assistance in behalf of these suffering people, and the hearty response to the same, has done much to remove the prejudice held by the Jews against the religion of Christ, and there never has been a time when the Jews have been so accessible as now. Our workers have access to hun­ dreds of them for personal work, and are winning their way into the hearts and homes of our Jewish friends. Shop and Factory Meetings Meetings are conducted every week in various shops and factories, and in the different barns of the street railways, reaching thousands of men and winning scores of them to the Lord Jesus, for these meetings all center around Him and the great salvation He has brought to men. The eager faces of the men as they listen, and the transformed lives of those who accept, give an unmistakable answer to those who would have us substitute something "modern and up-to-date" for "the old, old story of Jesus and His love." The meetings are systematically followed up by distribu­ tion of tracts, gospels and private interviews, correspondence, and visiting the men in their homes. The Bible Women The Bible Women give their whole time to house to house visitation, to the Bible classes which grow out of it, and to dealing with the individual cases of need (temporal and spir-

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