

The Kings Business In connection with the Institute there is issued a monthly magazine ent itled "The King's Business ." The magazine usu­ ally consists of ninety-six pages. It contains timely editorials on matters of interest to a ll those who love the Lord and His work. The contributed articles cover a large field of general interest. There is always one article dealing with some of the great fundamental doctrines of the Chri stian faith, the maga­ zine thus continuing the se ries of volumes entitled "The Funda­ mentals" which were circulated so widely among Christian workers all over the world. Another interesti ng feature of the magazine is "Light on Puzzling Passages and Problems" which is conducted by Dr. Torrey, who is the Editor-in-chief. A de­ partment of Homiletics and pu lpit helps is conducted by Dr. Evans. Missionary items of interest from both the home and foreign field s appear in the department entit led "At Home and Abroad," edited by Mr. Hunter. The interest of Sunday- school teachers is carefully provided for in the series of articles on the International Sunday-school lessons by Dr. Torrey and Mr. Horton, the former furni shing an exposition of the tex t, th e latter very practical and usefu l outlines of the lessons. The Fami ly Altar is cared fo r in the department of Daily De­ votional Studies, by Dr. Torrey. The magazine also contains items of interest regarding the Work of the Institute and its many department s of activity. In these will be found helpful instances of actual occurrence in the Lord's work culled from the workers' report s, and always stimulating to faith, praise and praye r. The subscr iption price for the magazine is $1.00 per year in the United States and its possessions, Mexico, Can­ ada and points in the Central American Postal Union. In all other foreign countries the price is $1.12 ( 4 shillings, 8 pence). The King's Business has an interes ting proposition to make to young men and women who desire to earn money by which to pay their expenses of a course of training in the Insti­ tute. Full particulars of thi s will be furnished anyone who will address the Business Manager of the King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, Cal.

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