

Grea t emphasis is laid upon the deve lopment of the sp iritual li fe of the st udent. If a ny student should go from the school w ithout a more intimate, personal acquaint­ ance with Jesus C hri st, or w ithout more of t he powe r of the Holy Spirit in his life and wo rk , the In st itute would have fa il ed in hi s case at the vital point. The st ud y of music is made a prominent feature of the Insti tute training, so that men a nd women may be p repa red to teach music, lead choirs, and ass ist otherwise in thi s important department of C hri stian work. W hil e the Institute music course pre­ pares st udents fo r the wo rk of the singi ng eva nge li st, it is not intended for any one who simply wishes ed ucat ion in music. The mu sic wo rk of the Inst itute is always made subordinate to the st udy of the Bible, a nd music is taught only as a mea ns of qualifying one for more effec tive soul -winning se rvice. DEVOTIONAL LIFE It begins wit h the awakening of the day. O ne hour is all owed between the rising bell a nd the breakfast bell for dress ing and the quiet hour period-an opportun ity to look to God before looking upon men. During the superinte nde nts' half hour imme­ d iate ly following the morning meal, the men and women ga ther in the two rooms respect ively assig ned for morning devotion. The students assembl e again at th e close of the evening meal, fo r a season of praye r and test imony. A no ther dai ly feat ure of g reat he lpfulness is the co rrido r prayer meeting . The student s on each corridor gather in a stude nt 's room at whateve r hour is most con­ veni ent, to discuss their perplexing personal problems a nd to present them to God fo r solu tion. It is here that definiteness in prayer is lea rned, as perhaps at no othe r gather ing. INFORMATION FOR PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS HOW TO MAKE APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION Persons desiring to enroll as st udents of the Bible In st itu te shoul d wri te for a n application fo rm to the Superintendent of Men or Women, as the case may be. D irec­ tions concern ing fi lling it out should be foll owed explicitly . No one is accepted as a student until afte r the refe rences g ive n by him have been hea rd from. Appli cants shoul d not present themselves at the In stitute expecting to be received as st ude nts until not ifi ed of their accepta nce. ARRIVING IN LOS ANGELES Several lines of rai lroads enter Los Angeles, coming in at different stations. It is impossible to meet students at t he train s. Incoming students, howeve r, should notify the Super intendent of Men or Women, as the case may be, as to the t ime t heir tra in is sched ul ed to a rri ve in Los Angeles, a nd also the road over which they a re traveling. We adv ise that women unaccompa ni ed take a Yellow Cab from depot to Women's Hotel, 558 South Hope Street . Present rate from Santa Fe D epot is fifty ­ fi ve cents; from Southern Pacifi c, forty-five ce nt s. Immed iately upon ar ri va l at the Instit ute, men should report to the Superintendent of Men, a nd women to the Super­ intendent of Women. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS Young men a nd women making appl ication for admiss ion to the In stitute should be at least eighteen yea rs of age, and in reasonabl y sound health.


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