
Bible Institute


For the benefit of st udents needing some help in defray ing their expenses, the In­ stitute ma in ta ins a Student Employment Bureau , throug h which many students a re pl aced in positio ns for part time work. Ma ny students ca n g ive two or three hours a day to remune ra ti ve empl oyment in stores and restauran ts, a nd by carefully budge t­ ing the ir time ca n ma inta in the ir sta nd ing in classes. Whe re cons iderable time is necessa ry in employment t he st udent ma y be required to take a reduced sched ul e a nd thus prolo ng hi s t ime of study at the In st itute before grad ua tion.

REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADUATION Diplomas wi ll be g ra nted upon the foll owing conditions:

I . Two or more years' res idence in Los A nge les w ith at least o ne semes te r 's res i­ dence in the Inst itute building. The regu la r schedule calls for fifteen curricul a r hours of classroom wo rk per week. Th is a llows fi ftee n semester hours credit each semeste r. Two non-cur ricul ar cred its a re a ll owed fo r pract ical wo rk , making a tota l of seven­ teen hours each semeste r, or thirty-four each year. For g rad uation from a two-yea r course, a minimum of sixty-fou r cred it s is req uired; for a three-year course, a mini­ mum of ninety-s ix; and for a fo ur-year course, a minimum of 128 cred it hours. Note- Thecourses of the Moody Bib le In stitute of C hi cago being almost identi ca l with those of the Bible Institute of Los A ngeles, it is poss ibl e to gra nt stu­ dents of that institution equal credit for studi es taken there, and also to grant equal allowances for resi d ence there to the extent of one year. 2. Approved C hri sti a n character. 3. Commendable zea l in p ract ica l C hri st ian wo rk . 4. Proficiency in E ngli sh. 5. Pass ing g rades in al l the required work. 6. Soundness in doctrine, to be dete rmined by the facu lty.

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