

721. Christian Psychology. Two hour s a week, Fir st Semes ter , Second Year. A study of th e human mind and its acti viti es, which a vo ids human specul ati ons and phil osophi es, beca use it build s upon Chri s ti a n t ruth. It will be adapted espec iall y t o the needs of pas to rs, Sunday Schoo l teachers, a nd others who dea l w ith yo ung peopl e. 723-43. S.S. Admi ni stration . One hour a week, First Semes ter , Second a nd F ourth Yea r s. Thi s subj ect dea ls with th e organi za ti on and admini st r ati on o f the va ri ous activiti es of th e organi zed Bible Schoo l. 725-6. Departmental Work. One hour a week First and Second Semes ters, Seco nd Yea r . Thi s cou r se ma kes a study of the different age groups known as Beg inner s' Prima ry, Juni or , Intermedi ate, Seni o r a nd Adult. Th e st udy in cludes psychology o f the child, methods and principl es of teaching, as we ll as th e admini stra t ion of the depa rtments con­ sider ed. 731-2. Christian Interpretation of Life. Two hour s a week throughout the Third Year. A study o f th e development of Chri stian doctrine in the li ght of per sistent a ttacks by fa lse huma n phil osophi es, bring ing the student to sec th at the Chri st ian interpre­ ta ti on o f God and H is uni verse is th e onl y rat iona l a nd sati sfy ing v iew . Re ference books : "Chri s ti anity and Ant i-Chri st ianity in thei r Fina l Confli ct" (S. J. Andrews) ; "Chri sti a n View of God and the Wo r ld'' (James O rr ) . 732a-742. Church Supervision. One hour a week, Second Semester , Third and Fourth Yea r s. Thi s cour se is des igned espec ia ll y fo r those who will be pas tors ' ass istants, and upon whom the tas k o f supervi sion o f th e Church' s acti viti es will fall. 733. History of Christian Education. On e hour a week, First Semes ter , Third Yea r. In thi s cour se the hi s tory an d developments o f the phases o f Chri st ia n Educati on a re studied, with a v iew to the prope r appli ca ti on of the principl es invo lved in connecti on with our pr esent-cl ay probl em in Chri sti an educa ti on. 734. Curriculum Making. One hour a week, Second Semester , Third Yea r , Chri s­ ti a n Educati on Cour se . A study is made fo r vari ous pl ans o f lesson study in S unday Schoo l. The s tud ent is expected t o outline the Sun day-schoo l cur ri culum, cove ring th e va ri ous books o f the Bi ble. 735 . Week-DayChurch School-Dail y Vacation Bible School. On e hour a week F ir st Semes ter , Third Yea r. The subj ect dea ls with th e ve ry importa nt deve lopment of week-day church school and types o f week-day in structi on . In structi on is g iven as to th e curriculum and methods success full y empl oyed in conducting the Da il y Vaca ti on Bibl e Schoo l. 737. Advanced Pedagogy. One hour a week, Fir s t Semester , Third Yea r. Thi s s ubject dea ls with the principles o f the a rt o f teaching . It appli es the theo ry in educa ti on to the actua l wo rk of teaching in o rder t o secure the hi ghest res ults. It a ims to prepa re the student to most effecti ve ly present the gos pel message to a ll classes o f peopl e. 738. Teacher Trai ning. One hour a week, Second Semes ter, Third Yea r . Thi s work appl ies no rmal t raining meth ods to Bibl e teaching . Obser vati ons a nd pr actice teach in g is req uir ed. Constructi ve criti cism is rendered in cla ss, so that the bes t method o f presenting th e lesson ma ter ia l is illustra ted. GROUP VIII MISSIONS (NOS. 800-899) 801-8, General Missions. One hour a week throughout a ll courses . Lectures a r e given coverin g the divin e pl an of mi ss ions as revea led in the Scrip­ tures . Th e mi ss iona ry enterpri se is viewed in it s broades t out look. Advantage is taken o f the visit to th e city a nd l nstitute o f outsta nding mi ss iona ry leader s fr om both th e home and fo reign fie lds. 831 . Non-Christian Religions. Two hou rs a week, First Semes ter , T hird Yea r. Thi s cour se is especia ll y des igned to prepa re mi ss iona ry candidates to und erstand the religi ous th ought li fe o f th ose to whom th ey go. Since an und erstanding o f the cha r­ acteri stic features o f Animi sm li es at the very foundati on o f an adequate under standing


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