

Lectures and demonstra ti ons compri sing up-to-date methods o f fir s t aid, manage­ ment a nd ca re of a ll the common injuri es. F oote's "Mino r S urgery" is the tex tbook used. M833a. Skin Diseases . First Semester, one hour per wee k. T ex tbook, "Skin D iseases," by Schamberg. T h is cour se cover s th e usual skin les ions fo und at home and ab road. The prima ry les ions, as papul es, ves icles, pus tul es, wh ea les, sca le s, etc., and seconda ry les ions, a s exco ri at ion , crusts, etc. , a re demonstr ated in clini cs a nd by demachrome pl ates . E ry­ thema s, Impeti go Contag iosa, Eczema s, Scabies ( itch ), Pso ri sis, Tineas, Syph iliderm les ions, Lepra, Small P ox, Epitheli oma and E xanthemata a re demonstrated a t the Cli nic o f the Los Ange les Gene ra l Hospita l. M834a . Tropical Dise as es. Second Semes ter, one hour per week. Th e tex tbook is Ma nson· s ·'T ropi cal Di seases ." The course includes the cause, symptoms and treatment o f the common tr opical di seas es, as cholera, dysentery, malaria, pl ague, ye ll ow fe ver , hook wo rm d iseases, leprosy, etc. M835-6. Theory and Practice of Nursing.. F ir st and S econd Semes ter s, one hour per week. The co ur se not only includes th e th eoretic co nsidera ti on o f th e car e o f th e sick, bu t the practi ca l aspect s of the subject as we ll. The students are ta ught the keeping o f a clini ca l reco rd , the ca r e a nd use o f thermometers, and urinal ys is. Ass ignment s a re made to ass ist th e schoo l nur ses in th e car e o f Bibl e Inst itute students who are ill. M835b. Diseases of the Ear, Nose, and Throat. Fir s t Semes ter, one hour per week The lec tures of thi s co ur se in clud e the commoner di sea ses of the Ea r , Nose and T hroat- both the ac ute and ch roni c infl ammati ons- th e extracti on o f fo reign bodi es and th e di agnos is a nd trea tment. Practi ca l inst ructi on is given in a specia l Eye, Ea r , Nose a nd Th roat Clinic by Dr. Ha rri s. M835a-6a . D entistry. One hour per week throughout the Third Yea r. The genera l anatomy o f the upper and lower jaw, with path o logica l condition s of the gums and teeth , is full y ex pl a in ed . T he hyg iene o f the mouth is emphas ized. The ext racti on and simpl e fi lling of tee th is taug ht. M837-8. Constitutional Diseases. F irs t and Second Semes ter , one hour per week. M837 . F irst Semes ter- Influenza, S tomatiti s, Acute a nd Chroni c Ca ta rrhal Gas­ triti s, Gas tri c Ulcer s, Car cinoma o f the s tomach, Di seases of the L iver and Intes tines, Rh eumati c F ever , T yphoid Fever . M838. Second Semes ter- D iabetes, Addi son Di sease, Scurvy , H emophilia , Anemia Ch lorosis, Tubercu los is, Leukemi a . M837a. Laboratory Me thods . F ir st Semeste r , one hour per week. During the fi rs t semester . one hour per week is devoted to prac ti ca l labo ratory di agnos is, namely, examinat ion o f urin e, of the bl ood , sputum. Their pa thologica l sig­ nifican ce is full y di scussed. Th e examin ati on o f the stoo ls for the ova o f int es tina l pa ras ites is t a ken up in th is hour. M838a. The Care and Feeding of Children Second Semes ter , one hour per week. T ex tboo k, ' 'Di seases o f Childr en," by H a ll. Ca re and feeding o f th e new bo rn is ta ught with ca re f ul check on in crease in weight a nd general development. T he di seases o f childhood , such as Malnutrition, Ri ckets, Diarrhoea and E xanthema ta, etc., a re fully covered in these lectures. GROUP IX MUSIC COURSE (NOS. 900-999) 911-912. Ge ne ral Ensemble. One hour a week th ro ughout the Fir st Year. All cour ses . Sing ing a nd Music appr ec ia ti on. 913. Rudiments of Mus ic . One hour a week throughout the F ir st Yea r. Notati on, scal es, Maj o r, Mino r a nd Chromat ic scal es, broken and so lid cho rds with their inver­ sions, key signatur es, key relati ons, time va lues, rhythm . 921-2--931-2. Choral Training. Two hour s a week throughout th e Second and Third Yea rs. Chora l sing ing-s tudy o f ora tori o, a capella singing . (Student s fr om thi s g roup will be admitted on merit to th e Cho ral Choir , to be known as the In st itute Choir. ) 923-4-933-4. Harmony. One hour a week th roughout th e Second and Third Yea rs. Chord s tudi es, Melody wri t ing, Compos it ion, F orm Analys is.


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