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[ 1932

COURSES OF THE EVANGELICAL TEACHER TRAINING ASSOCIATION T HE Bibl e Institute of Los Angeles is one of the co-operating institut ions in the Evangelical T eacher Training Association. The course outlined by the Associa­ t ion is incorporated in the Institute's three-yea r Christi an Educa tion Course, so that st uden ts g rad uat ing from th is course are eligi ble not only to rece ive the diploma of t he Institute, but also the diploma of the Evangelical Teacher Training Association . In addition to the course which is offered in connection with those who are cand idates for the d iploma of t he Institute, t he course may be taken in one yea r by t hose who des ire simply to qua li fy in teacher training. The recognition which such studen ts will receive on the successful completion of their course will be the diploma of t he Evangel ica l Teacher T raining Associat ion. T he work wh ich is offered under the Standard Training Course in the Day Classes is as foll ows: FIRST SEMESTER SECOND SEMESTER HOURS HO URS WEEKLY WEEKLY Report Hour and Practical Work Report H ou r and P ra cti ca l Work Synthesis 3 Synth es is 3 Doctr ine 2 Doctrine 2 Ana lysis 2 Ana lysis 2 Exposit ion o r Exeges is 2 Ex posit ion or Exeges is 2 Personal Evangeli sm I Personal Evangelism 1 Missions I Missions I Child S tudy and Bible S to ry Telling I Bi bl e Geography, Bibl ica l Pedagogy 2 Manners and Customs S. S . Admini stra ti on I Chi ld St udy and Bible Story Telling Depa rtmental Work 1 Bibl ica l Introduction Departmen tal Work T he Ins t it ute is a lso o ff er ing th e S tan da rd Training Cou r se on Friday evening of each week. Acco rding to schedu le the cou rse is completed in four year s, one night a week, and is as fo ll ows : Fl RST YEAR-1930-31 SECOND Year 1931 -32 I ST SEMESTER HRS . 2ND SEMESTER Hrs. 3RD SEMEST ER HRS . 4th Semester Hrs. O. T. Synthesis 18 N . T. Synth esis 18 O.. T. Synthes is 18 K. T. Synthes is 18 Ch ild Study 18 Pedagogy 18 Bibl e S tory Bibl e Geography 18 P ersona l Personal T elling 18 Bi bli ca l Evange lism 18 Evange li sm 18 S unday Schoo l Introduction 18 Admini stration 18 THI RD YEAR-1 932-33 FOURTH YEA R- 1933-34 5th SemesterHrs. 6th SEMESTER Hrs. 7th Semester HRS . 8TII SEMESTER Hrs. Doctrine 18 Doct rine 18 Doctrine 18 Doctrin e 18 Mi ss ions 18 Missions 18 Analys is 18 Exeges is 18 Departmental Departmental Chri st ian Church Work 18 Work 18 P sycho logy 18 S upervi sion 18 I. Beginners, I. Beginners, Primary, Prima ry, Juni o rs Juni o rs 2. Intermed'iate , 2. Intermed iate, Sen ior Sen ior 3. Adult 3. Adult The successfu l completion of the Standard Course in either the Day or Evening Classes leads to th e diploma of th e Evange li ca l Teacher Train ing Assoc ia t ion .

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