

The In stitute, howeve r, does sta nd for a d efinite doctrinal statement of fait h. All its teache rs a nd directors, rega rdl ess of de nominat io nal affiliation , are req uired once a yea r to sig n the Statement of Fai th. All moneys co ntribu ted to th e Inst itute w ill be hel d in violabl e for the teaching of these t ru ths . The In stitute is unde r mora l a nd lega l obli gat ion to do thi s, a nd permis- sio n to teach what is cont rary to these truths would be a violation of it s Constitution.


The Bible, consist ing of a li the books of the O ld and New T estament s, is the wo rd of God, a supe rnat urall y g ive n revelation from God, Himse lf, con ce rning Him­ se lf, Hi s being, nat ure, cha racte r, w ill and purposes; and concerning man , hi s nature , need, duty a nd desti n y. The Scriptures of the O ld and NewTestaments a re wit hout e rror or mi sstateme nt in the ir moral and spiritual teachings and record of hi storical facts . They are wi thout e rror or defect of a ny kind . JI. The re is one G oel, ete rnally ex isting and manifesting Himself to us in three P er­ so ns-Fathe r, Son and Holy Spirit . III . The Lord Jesus was supe rnatura ll y conce ived by the powe r of the H oly Spirit and born of a virg in-Ma ry, a linea l descenda nt of David . H e li ved a nd taught a nd ,,. wrought mighty works a nd wonde rs a nd sig ns, exactl y as is recorded in the four Gospels. He was put to death by c rucifixio n und e r Pontius Pil ate. God rai sed from th e dead the body t hat had been nai led to the cross. T he Lord Jesus after Hi s cruci­ fix ion showed H im se lf ali ve to Hi s di sc ipl es, a ppea ring unto them by the space of fo rty clays . After thi s the Lord Jesus asce nded into H eaven, a nd the Father ca used Him to sit a t Hi s right hand in t he heave nl y places, fa r above a ll rul e a nd authority a nd power a nd dominion a nd eve ry name that is named, not onl y in thi s world, but a lso in tha t whi ch is to come, a nd put al l t hings in subj ection unde r Hi s fee t, a nd gave Him to be H ead over a ll things to the Ch urch. IV. The Lord Jesus, before His inca rnation, ex isted in t he form of God, and of His own choice laid as ide Hi s di vine glory and took upon Himself the form of a servant, a nd was made in t he likeness of m en. In Hi s pre-ex istent state , He was with God a nd was God. He is a divine person, possessed of a ll the attributes of D e ity, and should be worshi pped as God by a ngels a nd m en. " In Him dwelleth a ll the fulness of the Godh ead bodily. " A ll the wo rd s that He spoke during Hi s ea rthly li fe were the wo rd s of God. There is absolute ly no e rror of any kind in them, and by the words of Jesus C hr ist the wo rd s of all other teache rs mu st be tested. V. The Lord Jesus became in eve ry respect a rea l man , possessed of a ll the esse ntial characte risti cs of human nature. VI. By H is death upon the c ross, the Lord Jesus made a perfect ato neme nt for sin , by

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