

home a nd in the mission fields abroad, where they ha ve mad e, and are making splen­ did records as heralds of the Gospel and winners of men for Chri st . 2. Graduates of colleges and theologica l semina ri es who desire to supplement the knowledge obtained in college and seminary by a more thorough st ud y of the E ngli sh Bible, practical method s of agg ress ive C hri stian work, a nd the most effective methods of teaching the Bible. 3. Young men and women who wish to train for the ed ucational work of the church-e.g., Directors of Christian Education, Girls' Workers, Boys' Workers, Pas­ tors ' Assistants, etc. The importance of thi s work is being increas ingly recogni zed, and to meet the need we are offering a three years' specia li zed course in Christian Education-a course eva nge li ca l in point of view and thoroughly pedagogical and practical in method. 4. Men and women who are planning to go to the foreign mission field . More tha n three hundred men and women who have bee n trained in the Bible In stitute of Los Angeles are now doing effect ive wo rk in the fore ig n field. 5. Foreign missionaries home on furlough . Many of those who ha ve had expe­ ri ence in the field need during their days of furlough to increase thei r knowledge of the Bible a nd the met hod s of Christian wo rk now in use. Not infrequently they find that there is no place so we ll adapted for thi s purpose as the Bible Institute. 6. Men and women preparing fo r various forms of Chri stian wo rk such as eva n­ gelists, singing eva ngelists, superinte ndents of Christian institution s, Sunday school workers, assistant pastors, church visitors, Young Men's Christian Assoc iat ion secre­ taries, Young Women's Christian Association Sec reta ri es, city mission wo rkers, res­ cue mission workers. 7. Men and women who do not intend to gi ve their whol e time to definite forms of Chr istian service, but w ho des ire a larger knowledge of the Bible and prac­ tical methods of wo rk, in order that they may be more useful in their home churches. Large numbers of men and women have gone through the Bible In stitute wi th no intention of g iving their entire li fe to defi nite C hri stian wo rk. Not a few of these afterwards have gone into the pastorate and other forms of Christian wo rk, but many of them have gone back to their churches to be a help to their pastor a nd to the Christian life of the community. 8. Men already in the mini stry who feel the need of a more thorough, accurate and practical knowl edge of the English Bible. An eve r increasi ng number of men who have had successful experience in the ministry a re coming to the Bible In stitute to take advantage of its facilities for equipment for increas ing usefulness. ADVANTAGES AND PRIVILEGES First of all we are very fo rtunate in our staff of teachers. They a re all men a nd women of true Chri stian li fe and ex perience, deeply taught in the Word of God a nd each espec ially prepared for hi s or her own particular line of wo rk . The second adva ntage of the Bible In st itute of Los Angeles is found in its loca­ tion. There is probably no more hea lth ful climate in all the world than that of thi s city. The student here is free from all the physical st rain that one is necessa ril y under, either in summer or w inter, in most large cities in other sections of the United States. Many coming to Los Angeles in run-down phys ica l condition, soon regain abou nding, hea lth . But this is not the only advantage in the locati on of the Bible In st itute in thi s city. It is doubtful if there is a ny other city on the globe where there it at the present


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