

T he aim of the Institute is that the men and women who go out from it shall not only know their Bibles, but sha ll have a thor­ ough, practical, working knowledge of men in their relati on to themselves, to one another, to society, to the church, and to God. XIV. Pedagogy It is not enough to know the truth, one needs to know how to communicate that truth to others. There wi ll be in the Bible Institute, a tho.rough study, not of mere untried theories of teaching, but of those methods of teachi ng that have proved effective in personal experience. Such subj ects as: The Point of Contact, The Art of Illust ration, The Art of Questioning, etc., will be carefully studi ed. XV. Church History Whi le the Bible is the only text book in the Bible Insti­ tute, ye t a knowledge of the results of Bible teaching in the history of the church, and of the doctrines that have been taught, and the controversies that have taken place, and the declines and revivals that have occurred in the hi story of the church, is of great value. This course is designed to famil­ iarize the student with the great epochs in the history of the church from the apostolic period to the period of the Refor­ mation, and with the g reat evangelical rev ivals since then . XVI. Sunday School Organization and Methods This cou rse is designed to fit men and women fo r this most important part of the work of the church. Students tak­ ing it are familiarized with the history of the Sunday-school movement from its beginning to the present time, and also with the Hebrew Bible school which preceded it; the organ i­ zat ion of the Sunday-school of today, with inst ructi on as to the duties of the various officers; matters of grading; home and foreign missions and the temperance problem in the Sun­ day-school ; District, County, State, foternational and the World' s organi za ti ons; psychology, pedagogy, and the use of the blackboard in the Sunday-school; the qualifications of the teacher and the teacher's responsibility towards the pupil.

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