

History of Hymns, Hymn Writers and Evangeli stic S ingers; Music in Evangeli stic Meetings; Use and Care of the Voice. Outsiders of note are often secured to lecture on these or similar subj ects. XXIV. Practical Work As the whole aim of the Institute is to turn out workers, not mere theo ri sts, the instruction given in the class room is a t once translated into practice, as a part of the training. Students are required to attend and ass ist in mi ssions, street meetings, tent meetings, to visit people in their homes, to conduct ad ult Bible classes and Sunday school classes, and to engage in va ri ous other fo rms of aggressive Chri stian work, and always with their eyes open fo r oppor tuniti es for personal work. These assignments are made by the Superintendents, and every student is required to hand in each week a written re­ port of their work. A weekly report meeting is held at which the work of the preced ing week is surveyed and diffi culti es discussed . Thi s is one of the most p ractical , helpful , and inspirati onal hours of the week.

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