

Evangelistic Department

Neglected Fields All around us are chu rchless communiti es in which neither Sunday School nor preach ing services are maintained. It is our purpose, so far as we can, to supply these " regions beyond" where Chri st is not made known. We trust that the Lord will use our well prepa red and trustworthy student s in many such places. The Oil Fields California's leading industry is found m the abundance of its oil producing wells. Throughout the State the stately de r­ ricks are a sign of industry and a signal for service to those who desire to reach the neglected classes. To the men in these fields we have been permitted to minister through our evange­ lists, and although the work has been arduous, calling for much of self-sacrifi ce and deprivation, the fruitage has been rich. The prejudice of some who suspected the sincerity of our men on such a mission, has been dissipated, and they have been accorded a generous reception. Men have confessed Christ and have commenced to testify. Testaments, Gospels and tracts have been widely distributed, and many of the men have subscribed for "The King's Business," our monthly maga­ zine, with a view of continuing Bible study. How would you like to quali fy for such a mission? The Spanish Mission There are thousands of Mexicans in Los Angeles and vi­ cinity. God in H is providence has brought them from the land of Roman Catholic bondage to the land of the Bible. They are here to be evangelized. The Gospel is the power of God and this finds its illus- tration in the many conversions among them. Nearly fifteen hundred Mexicans lodge in the vicinity of the P laza in this city, some twenty thousand Mexicans being located in and around Los Angeles, and the personnel is constantly changing.

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