

itual ) which are thus brought to their attention. Every va­ riety of spiritual need, every form of false doctrine, every de­ gree of Bible ignorance, every phase of hea rt hunger, continu­ ally face these devoted Bible women for soluti on, counsel, lov­ ing consideration and sympathy. The Yokefellow's Hall Th is is situated on South Los Angeles Street, the street set apart by the city authorities as the down town center for open air gatherings. Here men gather to li sten to orators who advocate almost every known species of religious, political and economical absurdity. To this res tless, seething, unsatisfied humanity the Gospel is carried every week night, and Sunday afternoon and evening. by the In stitute workers, on the street first, and afterwards in the hall, to those who accept the cordial invitati on to enter. Hundreds are reached and rescued an­ nually. Seaman's Work An important department of our work is the service among the seamen . Los Angeles Harbor is growing rapidly in im­ portance as a seaport and thousands of men are reachable with the Gospe l. In place of a mi ssion room for seamen, our work­ ers visit the vessels, conduct se rvices and do personal work with the men. They have been able to reach as many as sev­ enty-five vessels in one month. Many of the boats are from foreign ports and our stud ents who are able to speak foreign languages find a large opportunity for definite personal work. The opening of the Panama Canal and the large increase of the merchant marine business have greatly increased ou r opportunity for a large work among the seafaring men. The Extension Work The Institute has been able to do a large work i·n its Evan­ gelistic Department through its own evangelists, and special Bible teachers. Work has been carried on in all sections of the Coas t States. We are expecting to greatly increase the efficiency of this service by the addition of capable men and

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