Adebiyi , Janet Adeyinka (D Tech)
Born in Lagos Nigeria, Ms. Adebiyi obtained her National and Higher Diploma in Food Technology from Moshood Abiola Polytechnic Ogun State Nigeria. In 2016, she obtained her MTech Degree in Food Technology at the University of Johannesburg and registered for a DTech degree in January 2017. Ms Adebiyi investigated the metabolic profile, health promoting properties and safety of dawadawa (a fermented condiment) from Bambara groundnut ( Vigna subterranea ). The study adopted a response surface methodology model to optimize fermentation conditions of Bambara groundnut to obtain dehulled and undehulled dawadawa . The study demonstrated that dehulling Bambara groundnut coupled with fermentation to produce dawadawa can effectively reduce mycotoxins. Her research findings highlighted the importance of African legumes such as Bambara groundnut to create food products that are affordable, safe and nutritious. Her work resulted in three articles published in international peer- reviewed journals and presented at one local and five international conferences.
Supervisor: Prof E Kayitesi Co-supervisor: Prof PB Njobeh
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