UJ Graduation Programme 13 May 2020 17h00

Ting, Ling Hsuan (PhD)

Ling Ting holds a MCom (Economic Science) from Wits University and has continued to pursue her interests into behavioural economics in her PhD, attending short courses and summer schools in the UK and Germany. Her research interest is found in the relationship between incentives, motivation and income class. As a senior data scientist, she uses her insights and training in behavioural economics to analyse and develop models that help to better understand incentives and motivation of staff in the financial services industry. Her thesis investigated the impact of students’ income background on the effectiveness of monetary vs non-monetary incentives using experimental economic techniques. This analysis resulted in three main findings: (i) richer participants responded more to non-monetary incentives, (ii) when in competition, the winner-takes-all model proved the most effective and (iii) there is a disconnect between incentive effectiveness and psychological measures in identifying hard workers. This research is relevant to unequal societies such as South Africa where income inequalities remain high. Understanding how incomes may influence motivations could provide insight into the design and expectations of inequality mitigating policy using monetary and non-monetary rewards in educational interventions.

Supervisor: Prof BD Simo-Kengne Co-Supervisor: Prof U Schmidt


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