King's Business - 1953-12


James O. Henry, M.A., Editor, Associate prof, of History, Bioio Bible College

parks, but pot from the churches,” said Melvin Schlake of St. Louis, Mo., head of the television committee of the Lutheran church’s Missouri Synod recently. Schlake reported that attendance during the last year in­ creased twice as much as the aver­ age for the previous 10 years. “The increasing use of television by organized religion to reach and attract the interest of the unchurched is bearing fruit,” he said. “Churches and church groups all over the na­ tion are finding’ television a direct aid in awakening greater religious consciousness.” . P ion e e r in Cosm ic S tudy D ies On September 29th Dr. Edwin Powell Hubble, famous scientist, died at the age of 61 Dr. Hubble was known as “ the man who carried the study of astronomy beyond the star system into outer space.” ' He had been on the staff of the; Mount Wil­ son Observatory for 34 years and dis­ covered and gave to the world the knowledge that the earth’s stellar sys­ tem, the Milky. Way,' is but one of hundreds of star systems. He showed that millions of patches of eerie light were other Milky" Ways many tril­ lions of miles distant. Other astronomers who pursued his work estimated that there are 100 billion Milky Way systems in sight of the Mount W ilson telescope. When he studied the famous “ red shift” of the outer nebulae he opened the question of the mysteriously ex­ panding universe. Man is slowly d iscovering the truth of the Word of God as recorded in Psalm 19:1 “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.” N ew F riend s Am ong Old Enem ies On the 26th of September the Unit­ ed States and Spain signed a 20- year defense agreement which gives us the right to develop and use naval and air bases on Spanish'soil and assures Spain of military equipment from the United States. The historic action brought Fran­ co’s Spain, formerly shunned by the

victors of World War II, into part­ nership with the United States in the West’s defense against the danger of Soviet attack. The alliance covered three agreements, the texts of which were released by the State Depart­ ment together with a statement say­ ing that assistance to Spain totaling 226 million dollars will be supplied under the Mutual Security Program during the fiscal year. Catholics Jailed in Poland About 2500 Roman Catholic priests and laymen were thrown into Polish concentration camps during the two weeks, following the arrest of Stefan Cardinal Wyszynski last month, ac­ cording to-the German Catholic News Agency (KNA). The cardinal was arrested on direct orders, from Soviet Premier Geqrgi Malenkov to Russian-born Marshal -Konstantin Rokossovsky, now com- mander-in -ch ief of Polish armed forces* KNA said. The news agency also quoted unconfirmed reports that the 52-year-old cardinal has been tak­ en to Moscow.- . S oviet W h istle sto p “There will be no lasting peace in Korea, which is just a whistlestop in the Soviet’s timetable . . . the United States will have to keep forces in Korea for a long time . . . Indo- China will be the next scene of the Russian attempt to dom inate the world.” So said Col. James McNa­ mara, personal press representative of Gen. James Van Fleet. “The Russians,” he said, “moved too soon in June of 1950. Had they waited a year before attacking South Korea, using North Korea and the Chinese Reds as cats-paws, the United States would probably have been able to put up only a token resistance. But luckily they were too impetuous and we were able to hold them. We will have to stay until the threat of Rus­ sian domination of the world is def­ initely quashed.” 1Colonel McNamara said that “ any­ one who says America has suffered a defeat in Korea is mistaken. We did what we set out to do—we threw the invaders out of South Korea.”

N am eless Children The cold war has produced an im­ pact upon European and Asiatic countries because of the long dura­ tion of the presence of American, French, British and Russian troops in other countries, introducing not only new customs and traditions but pro­ ducing many illegitimate children. According to an editorial in a local daily newspaper “ It is estimated that 29,000 children were bom of Russian fathers in East Berlin.” All these children are regarded as Russians and come under the educational processes by which the Kremlin hopes to create a Marxist world. The editorial states also that “ It is estimated that 100,000 illegitimate children have been fathered by Amer­ icans in Japan, 50,000 in the Amer­ ican zone in Germany and 70,000 in Great Britain.” Representative Francis P. Bolton, in discussing this question before the House of Representatives, said: “ I would like to urge you to join me in the thoughtful consideration of what we as Americans can and should do to give these thousands of youngsters a constructive childhood.” In su ran ce and N on -D rinhers A reward for the non-drinking driver is the basis of the newly organ­ ized Central Security Mutual Insur­ ance Company with home offices in Chicago. The company has been formed to sell automobile insurance to non-drinkers only. Because pres­ ent insurance statistics reveal that a large percentage of major tragedies involving high costs are caused by drinking drivers, the Central Secur­ ity Company finds it is possible to insure selected insurees at lower premiums. P lann ing to sell any ­ where in the United States with a low cost direct mail program, the new company, formed by Christian businessmen, will offer all types of auto insurance.

T elev ision and Church A ttendan ce

“Television may be keeping peo­ ple away from the movie and ball


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