King's Business - 1953-12

Out of the

Written especially for children . . . IDEAL FOR CHRISTMAS G IVING!


Donald S. Robertson, Ph.D. Chairman, Dept of Science, Biola Bible College

Let’s Have Fun Cooking compiled by Frances Youngren (compiler also of "Food for the Body, Food for the Soul" and "More Food for the Body, for the Soul” ) A wonderful new cookbook for mother’s little helpers. . . one that covers just every­ thing a little girl who is just starting to cook, ought to know . . . rules for cooking, dictionary of cooking terms, what to do be­

A Christian who has had training as a scientist finds himself in a rather unique position. For on one hand such verses as John 1:3— “All things were made by him; and without him was not any th ing made that was made” and Colossians 1:16, 17—“ For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible . . . all things were created by him, and for him: And he is before all things, and by him a ll things consist”—-tell the Christian.scientist that the Lord Jesus Christ was responsible for creating and sustaining the universe. While on the other hand he has been trained w ith in a methodology that knows nothing about this creative and sus­ taining activity of the Lord. For the Christian scientist this raises some in teresting questions. Since he believes that God in the per­ son of Christ is running this world, should he expect to see evidence of this as he observes the things of na­ ture, and if so, what form will this evidence take? Would he expect God to act in an undiscernable way so that there will be a limit to how much man will be able to discover? Or in other words will the scientist at some point have •to say he does not know, and will never be able to find out? A scientist would never be satisfied with this, answer. For the scientist must assume there is an answer to every unsolved problem. Otherwise no progress will be made. The reply that “God just made it that way” is no answer at all from the scientist’s point of view. The Christian has a tendency to think that when God acts in the phys­ ical universe it is in some mysterious and unsolvable way. So that when He tells us in His Word that He cre­ ated and sustains the universe he has the idea that God acts to do this in a way that defies observation or de­ scription. For this reason the Chris­ tian frequently considers the seem­ ingly unanswerable problem s that science faces at the present time to be points where God is working di­ rectly in sustaining the universe. This is a dangerous procedure. An example of some of the hazards involved can be found in the field of

physics. For many years the physi­ cist has been puzzled as to what binds the particles in the nucleus of the atom together. From all he knows about the characteristics of these par­ ticles they should be repelling each other yet they remained in compact little bundles. The Christian would be tempted upon considering this problem to appeal to Colossians 1:17, holding that this binding force is where the Lord Jesus Christ functions in matter so that “by him all things consist.” Although such a conclusion might have great appeal to the Chris­ tian the scientist could not accept it since it leaves no room for further discovery. So the scientist assumes there is a natural explanation and sets out to discover it. The danger in the Christian’s procedure is that quite frequently the scientist finds the nat­ ural law which explains the phe­ nomenon. All indications are that this will be the case with the binding force of the nucleus of the atom. And if this is done the Christian would have to abandon his previous position. Thus not only would he have come to a wrong conclusion but the one he held would be sterile as far as any further advancement was concerned. So far the scientist has not admit­ ted that there are any unsolvable problems in the universe. He recog­ nizes there are difficult ones that can­ not be answered with our present knowledge but there is faith that ultimately the answer will come. They have every reason for this con­ fidence for the history, of science is replete w ith so-called unsolvab le problems that have ultimately been conquered. This then brings up the question of what should be the attitude of the Christian toward natural law and the sustaining power of God in the uni­ verse? Since natural law describes how the universe does subsist and since the Bible tells us that Christ is responsible for causing “ all things Ctol consist” it seems logical then that natural law just describes how the Lord is functioning in sustaining the universe. In other words the natural laws would not operate if the Lord was not directing them. END.

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