King's Business - 1953-12

BOOK REVIEWS All recommended books may Joe obtained from the Biola Book Room, 560 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, Calif. The E p istle o f Paul to the Churches o f Galatia By Herman N. Ridderbos The professor of New Testament in the Theological Seminary, Kampen, the Netherlands, is the author of this the third volume to be published in The New International Commentary on the New Testament. Originally written in the Dutch language, Dr. Henry Zylstra is credited with hav­ ing translated the manuscript into English. The Am erican Standard Version is printed at the beginning of each section. This is a solid work, more valu­ able probably for exegetical than for critical use. Reference to the Greek text is relegated to the footnotes. Rel­ atively few references to the litera­ ture on Galatians will be found, and the book does not include a bibliog­ raphy. 238 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rap­ ids, Mich.; $3.50. P a sto ra l P sy ch o lo g y By William Goulooze This remarkable book embodies a diagnosis of the factors involved in “ our time of crisis,” the modem sit­ uation and its prevalent neuroticism, a history of pastoral theology, analy­ ses of questionnaires on the subject of sickness, suffering, and sorrow, and the objectives and techniques of pas­ toral psychology. The work lays a thorough founda­ tion for pastoral counseling and pro­ vides practical programs of parish visitation with this objective in view. Ministers can make excellent use of this material. The bibliography is exhaustive, the Bible reference, author and subject indexes are very complete; these add considerably to the value of the book. 266 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $3.50. Hastening the Hay o f God The editor of The Watchman-Ex­ aminer here gathers up thirty-six of the prophetic messages delivered at the International Congress on Proph­ ecy at Calvary Baptist Church, New York City, last fall under the aus­ pices of the American Association for Jewish Evangelism. The names of many outstanding pastors and Bible teachers appear in the table of con­ tents, and the lectures cover every phase of the truth concerning the rapture of the Church, anti-christian- Compiled and Edited by John W. Bradbury

See Christ As the human Son of Man in Meditations in Luke By AUGUST VAN RYN

By Donald G. Davis, Ph.D., Prof. Of Church History, Talbot Theological Seminary

ity during the Great Tribulation, and the Millennial Kingdom of Christ. W o r sh ip S erv ic es F o r F ife Planning By Alice Anderson Bays The reader can leam much about the planning of worship services for young people from Mrs. Bays, and much usable material is made avail­ able; however much spiritual dis­ crimination is called for because of the wide use made of liberal and humanistic sources. No evangelical youth leader, for example, would ask his charges to repeat as an “ affirma­ tion of faith” John Ruskin’s Creed of St. George's Guild found on page 143. 256 pages; cloth; Abingdon-Cokes- bury Press, New York; $2.50. S tories fo r the Children’ s H ou r By Kenneth N. Taylor Parents and teachers will make good use of this excellent selection of children’s stories. The tales carry B ib lica l and spiritual lessons and they have a moral, and even apolo­ getic, value. Reading this book will engender in parents the desire to be­ gin a children’s story hour within the family circle. Each story is given increased value in the appended ser­ ies of suggestive questions for dis­ cussion. 190 pages; cloth; Moody Press, Chicago, 111.; $2.50. M ed ita tion s in Fake By August Van Ryn This challenging book will cause the reader to want to read the auth­ or’s earlier companion volume, Med­ itations in John. After sections on introductory matters the writer has included lists, in concordance form, of “Words Often Found in Luke’s Gospel.” The meditations are not arranged in the order of the Gospel text, but in groups of kindred subjects: Stories about Rich Men, Devotional Thoughts for Quiet Moments, The Things Con­ cerning Himself, and Expository Glimpses. The seed plots of suggest­ ive thought in this book are innum­ erable. 278 pages; cloth; Loizeaux Brothers, New York, $3.00. An E x eg etica l C omm en ta ry on The G ospel A ccord ing to S t. M a tth ew By Alfred Plummer Eerdmans is to be congratulated on republishing one of the outstanding scholarly commentaries on the first Gospel. The work appeared origin­ ally toward the close of the first dec-

A book that speaks so strongly and so sweetly of God's love that you cannot read it without the keen­ est pleasure and the most heartfelt praise. C h a p te rs in clu d e : "The T h in g s Con- c e rn in g H i ms e l f," "Devotional Thoughts for Quiet Moments," "Stories About Rich M en," " P a r a b le s Penned by Luke."

Cloth Binding A TI ENTION BOOKSTORES: This latest book by August Van Ryn is sure to be a fast seller. Order now for the holidays. Order from Dept. K

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