King's Business - 1953-12

19thAnual Torey Conference


T he 19th Annual Torrey Memo­ rial Bible Conference, held in memory of Dr. R. A. Torrey, the first dean of the Bible Institute, will be held in the Church of the Open Door Auditorium, January 17-24, and in other co-operating churches throughout the Southern California area. According to thé con feren ce committee the fo llow in g Bible teachers will participate in this annual event: Dr. Albert J. Lind­ sey, First Presbyterian Church, Ta­ coma, Washington; Dr. Vance H. Webster, First Baptist Church, Eu­ gene, Oregon; Dr. Lloyd T. Ander­ son, First Baptist Church, Salem, Oregon; Dr. John F. Walvoord, president, Dallas Theological Sem­ inary; Rev. Robert Thieme, Berac- hah Church, Houston, Texas; Don Hillis, missionary from India; and a number of local pastors and teachers including Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, president, Bible Insti­ tute of Los Angeles; Dr. J. Vernon McGee, pastor, Church of the Open Door; Dr. Charles L. Feinberg, di­ rector of the Talbot Theological Sem inary ; Dr. Gerald Stanton, head of the Theology Department, Talbot Theological Seminary; Dr. Chester Padgett, assistant profes­ sor of English Bible, Talbot Theo­ lo g ic a l Seminary; Rev. Low ell Wendt, pastor of the Montecito Park Union Church ; Rev. Bob Murfin, pastor of the Baldw in Hills Baptist Church. Sessions of the conference will be held simultaneously in the fol­ lowing churches: Church of the Open Door, Los Angeles; First Brethren Church, Long Beach; Temple Baptist Church, Ontario; Van Nuys Missionary Church, Van Nuys; First Baptist Church, Ful­ lerton; Calvary Church, Santa Ana; Chevy Chase Baptist Church, Glendale; Immanuel Baptist Church, Pasadena; Valley Baptist Church, Burbank; and Congrega­ tional Church of Christ, Redondo Beach. your editors have a Christmas Gift for I You see page 7 I *

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