King's Business - 1953-12

saved the Israelites, so whoever believes in the Lord Jesus as a personal Saviour will be given everlasting life. Nicodemus apparently did not receive God’s Son as his Saviour that night. Later when some of the Jews were opposed to Jesus, Nicodemus took Jesus’ side of the argument. When the body of the Saviour was being prepared for burial, Nicodemus brought expensive spices to wrap in the burial clothing. The message of Jesus to Nicodemus is the same message of salvation which God has in His Word for each individual to­ day. God’s provision for the salvation of Nicodemus is the only provision by which anyone can be saved. The lesson assigned for this week brings out clearly the reason for the statement near the beginning of this chapter, verse 4, “And he must needs go through Sa­ maria.” This was not the usual way for Jews to travel. Because of their hatred of the Samaritans, when Jews wanted to go north to Galilee, they crossed the Jor­ dan and paralleled it on the eastern side as they journeyed north in order that they might not be defiled, as they thought, by contact with the Samaritans. But with Jesus it was very different. He must go through Samaria in order to win a Sa­ maritan to Himself. Today’s lesson breaks down racial barriers. A Samaritan Woman Converted vv. 27-30 It is clear that a great change took place in the heart of this woman as Jesus dealt with her. The marks of conversion are definite. She left her waterpot in for­ getfulness of that for which she had come (v. 28). She spoke to the men in the town with boldness (w . 28,29), and her question to them was actually a confes­ sion that Jesus was the Christ (v. 29). Re­ sults of her conversion are readily seen in v. 30. Jesus' Sermonette of Instruction vv. 31-38 The heart of our Lord’s message to His disciples at this time was to the effect that the meat which satisfies the soul is the doing of God’s will. Jesus found it so (v. 34). He would have His followers find it so as well (v. 35). Nothing else will satisfy the one who has been truly bom again. “ Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields.” In other words, find the place of service God has for you and go to work. This will be meat for your soul. Many Samaritans Converted vv. 39-42 The converted woman had borne her witness faithfully with the result that many from her village came in contact with Christ. But as is revealed in v. 42, each one who found Christ as Saviour had to do it by a personal contact with CONTINUED ► Jan. 24, 1954 Crossing Man-Made Barriers John 4:27-42 Pointers on the Lesson


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