King's Business - 1953-12

life by the Holy Spirit.

"Send . . . Something to EAT for Christmas!” Refugees from the Eastern part of Germany con­ tinue to stream into Berlin. "If we were able now to lead you through Berlin you would be tarrified,” says one of our Hebrew Christian leaders who distributes our relief parcels among the hungry and terror-stricken fleeing from Communist oppression. And this grateful missionary and relief worker adds: "Your letter and the many packages which followed it, especially the CARE food parcels, gave us no end of joy and encour­ agement, since we were able to help so many in their terrible hunger and distress.” the economic situation has improved here, but not for the people who have survived the gas chambers. They are still in dire need, for they are un­ employed, and broken in body.” Then she makes this pathetic plea: "Please, dear brother, do send food parcels to these Hebrew Christians so they may have something to eat for Christmas!” We plead with you, dear Christian friend, to help us to send these Hebrew Christians not costly presents, but "something to eat for Christmas." At this blessed Christmas season help us to relieve distress and give Joy to the Hebrew Christian victims of persecution in Germany, Austria, Hungary, Jugoslavia, Israel, and other places where our ministry extends. Please remember especially the little children and the aged Hebrew Christians whom we support in Homes. Remember the words of the Lord: "Unto the least. . . my brethren.” The International Hebrew Christian Alliance R ev . J acob P eltz , Ph.B., B.D., Secretary U. S. A. Dept. KB CANADA 4919 N. Albany Ave. 91 Bellevue Ave. Chicago 25, Illinois Toronto, Ontario Rev. Jacob Peltz Another Hebrew Christian missionary writes on be­ half of her converts in Jugoslavia: "You may think that

A Particular Object of Mercy vv. 5-9 The man upon whom the attention of Christ became fixed had been ill for 38 years. Verse 14 would indicate that his condition was the result of his own sin. To such an one Jesus directed the ques­ tion, Wilt thou be made whole? In re­ sponse the man said that in all the time of his illness he could not find anyone to have enough compassion upon him to get him into the h e a lin g waters. Strange, isn’t it? Quite likely this man had been among the worst of sinners and men evaded him. They may, have felt that his healing would be a detriment to society. This is the man Jesus ministered to in order that he might display His boundless . grace (cf. Mark 2:17). Does it not vividly portray to us what Christ is willing to do for sinners of deepest dye who will allow His grace to operate in their lives? Hostility to Divine Mercy vv. 10-18 Violent opposition was soon raised by Jews who misinterpreted the law because the healed man bore his bed on the Sab­ bath day (cf. Jer. 17:21). There are al­ ways legalists around who are ready to oppose the workings of divine grace in men’s hearts. But in spite of this oppo­ sition the healed man walked (v. 9) in the way of fellowship with God’s people. He went to the temple (v. 14) and wit­ nessed a good confession) (v. 15). After the Lord Jesus had visited Sa­ maria, He returned to Cana where He had performed His first miracle. A ruler whose son was sick asked the Saviour to come to his home in Capernaum to heal the boy. The ruler said, “ Sir, come down ere my child die.” When the Lord Jesus replied: “ Go thy way; thy son liveth,” the ruler believed what Jesus said and returned to his home. The man’s servants met him on the way and told him that his son was well again! When the father asked what hour the boy began to be well he knew that it was exactly the time when the Saviour had told him that the boy would be healed. Because of this sec­ ond miracle which the Lord Jesus per­ formed, the ruler and his entire family believed. Have you prayed for healing when you or some member of your family were 'ill? The Lord Jesus is still the Great Physi­ cian. Sometimes it is not His will to heal sick bodies. As we pray for healing, we must always ask, “ Thy will be done.” Our wonderful Saviour is not only the Great Physician for sick bodies. He spe­ cializes in healing sick souls, souls that Satan controls—souls that live in sin. Have you prayed that He will cleanse your soul from sin and make you His child forever? Thank God that our Sav­ iour is willing and able to heal our souls and our bodies when we come to Him believing that He will do so! END. Helps for the Children Jesus Helps a Worried Father John 4:46-53 Memory Verse: "Jesus of Nazareth . . . went about doing good . . „ for God was with him" (Acts 10:38).

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