King's Business - 1953-12

TEARS AT CHRISTMAS The tears will be falling this Christmas from many a weary face in the refugee camps of Eur­ ope. Refugees in their tens of thousands have fled across the Iron Curtain frontier in recent weeks, leaving all their earthly possessions behind them. Having experienced the horrors of godless Communism, they have fled to the West with hardly a penny in their pockets, and all they have is upon their backs. Their tragic plight is not only econom­ ical and physical, but also moral and spiritual. In West Berlin we met a fath­ er with nine motherless children. His wife had recently died and he had been four years without work. We handed over to him food and clothing parcels, and it thrilled us to see the tears of gladness come to his eyes. TEARS —but this time, thank God, they were TEARS OF JOY.

The European Evangel i st i c Crusade is working in Europe to­ day, bringing them physical re­ lief and help, but above all, bringing them hope and salva­ tion through the message of the Saviour’s .love. The task is not an easy one and we would des­ pair if we did not have faith in God and in the people of God. We cannot ignore their tears, and we know that our God is able to supply the physical and spiritual needs of these dear people living in such dire distress. We need your help in making this minis­ try possible. HELP US TO STEM THIS TIDE OF TEARS! We ask you to make this a matter of prayer. Your gifts, so urgently needed, will be used im­ mediately this coming Christmas season in administering to the physical and spiritual welfare of these needy refugees in Europe. Please address all gifts and cor­ respondence for this purpose to:

In a refugee barrack in Ger­ many, we came face to face with a woman of some 40 years of age. As a result of a childhood dis­ ease, she was partially paralyzed in both legs. She was only able to walk wi th the aid of two sticks. She earned her living by sewing. Her one room was in such a bad condition that when it rained outside, she had to place numerous pots, and pans through­ out the room to catch the rain­ drops. She had lost both of her parents in the last war and was all alone in the world. After we helped her with much need­ ed food and clothing, we prayed with her and told her of the One bom in Bethlehem who would never leave her or forsake her. In the same refugee camp we met another family from East Prussia, also the victims of tragic circumstances. The father and mother lived in a single room with their eight children. The father was unemployed as a re­ sult of wounds suffered during the last war, and the mother was ill with tuberculosis. Utter des­ peration was written across their faces, and they admitted to us that they were frequently tempt­ ed to take their own lives. In the name of God’s people of Am­ erica, we were able to step in at the right moment and fill the hands of this dear family with physical sustenance, such as they had not experienced in years.

This child is one of thousands who this Christmas will know the experience of a broken heart, a tear- stained face, and no place of his own to lay his head. Will you not help him and others like him this Christmas?

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(SAVE EUROPE'S REFUGEES) Rev. Douglas G. Stewart, F.R.G.S., Director for North America EUROPEAN EVANGELISTIC CRUSADE, INC. 811 Westview Street, Philadelphia 19, Pa., U.S.A. Dear Sir: With a glad and willing heart I enclose $.................. to help meet the urgent need of Europe's refugees, assuring you of my prayers in this project of mercy. Name..................................................................................................... .......... Street........................................ /.......................... .......................................... City........................................................... State..................... ....................

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