King's Business - 1953-12

Your editors have a Christmas gift for you T hink back carefully over the last three months. Now we have a question we’d like to ask. Has your prayer-life been everything that it could be? Think about it. terpiece. This little book is our Christmas gift to each of you who give three gift subscriptions to the K ing ’ s B usiness . (Remember the special Christmas gift rate is only $ 2 .)

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inexpensive and so easy to order. And it’s a 12-time gift that keeps coming every month throughout the year as a reminder of your love and thoughtfulness. Of course we’ll send an attractive gift card signed with your name— timed to arrive just before Christmas. Thank you for ordering, this week. (P.S. Don’t forget you’ll get the book on prayer absolutely free— our gift to you for your thoughtfulness.)

Prayer . . . vital prayer . . . the right kind of prayer . . . prayer with power, is what every Chris­ tian wants . . . is what ydu want. Andrew Murray has written about such prayer. His book, The Prayer Life, is in every sense a real mas­

We wish you could see the heart­ touching letters that come in telling what a blessing the magazine is. Can you think of a more Christ- honoring Christmas gift for three of your loved ones or friends? So


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King’s Business Magazine 5 5 8 So. Hope St. Los Angeles 1 7 , Calif.


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