

they find that there is no place so well adapted for this pu_rpose as the Bible Institute. 5. Men and women preparing for various forms of Christian work besides the pastorate, evangelists, singing evan­ gelists, superintendents of Christian institutions, Sunday School workers, assistant pastors, church visitors, Young J\Ien's Christian Association secretaries, Young Women's Christian Association secretaries, city mission workers, rescue mission workers. 6. Men and women who do not intend to give their whole time to definite forms of Christian service, but who de­ sire a larger knowledge of the Bible and practical methods of work, in order that they may be more useful in their home churches. Large numbers of men and women have gone through the Bible Institute with no intention of giving their entire life to definite Christian work. Not a few of these afterwards have gone into the pastorate and other forms of Christian work, but many of them have gone back to their churches to be a help to their pastor and to the Christian life of the community. 7. Men already in the ministry who feel the neecl or a more thorough, accurate and practical knowledge of the Bibl e.



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