


The Bible Teaching Concerning The Holy Spirit ( 1) The Personality of the Holy Spirit. (2) His Deity. ( 3) The Distinction between the Father, the Son and the Holy Spiri t. (4) The Subordination of the Holy Spirit to the Father and the Son. (5) The Work of the Holy Spirit in the Universe, in All l\Ien, in the Believer, in the Prophets and Apos tles, in Je sus Christ. (6) The Baptism with the Holy Spirit.


The Bible Teaching Concerning Man ( 1) His Original Condition. (2) His Fall. (3) His P resent Standing before God. (4) The Condition of Men Out side of the Redemption that is in Je sus Christ. (5) The Future Destiny of those who reject the redemption that is in Jesus Christ. (6) Justificati on. (7) The New Birth. (8) Adopti on. (9) Sanctification. ( 10) Faith. ( 11) Repentance . ( 12) Prayer. (13) Future Destiny of those who accept Christ. E.

The Bible Teaching Concerning Angels (1) Their Nature. (2) Their Position. )l umber. (4) Their Abode. (5) Their Work.

(3) Their


The Bible Teaching Concerning the Devil and Demons (1) The Existence of the Devil. (2) The Nature of the Devil. (3) The Position of the Devil. (4) The Character of the Devil. ( 5) The Abode of the Devil. (6) The Work of the Devil. (7) The Future Destiny of the Devil. (8) Our Duty toward the Devil.


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