

Course One Fundamental Doctrines of Christianity

By R. A. TORREY, Dean of the Institute

This is a careful study of what the Bible teaches on the Christian faith. The method pursued is to bring together every statement of Scripture bearing upon the doctrine under discussion and from them ascertain and formulate the teaching of the Bible. This is the true inductive method of study. The following doctrines are studied in this course: CONCERNI NG THE BIBLE-The teaching of Jesus Christ concerning the Old Testament; the teaching of Jesus Christ and H:e Apostles concerning the New Testament. CONCERNING GOD- God in His essence, Spirit; One God, but three persons in the Godhead; the natural attributes of God; the moral attributes of God. CONCERNING JESUS CHRIST-The Deity of Jesus Christ ; His humanity, His character, His death, His resurrec­ tion, His ascension or exaltation, His second coming. CONCERNING THE HOLY SPIRIT-His Personal­ ity; His Deity-Distinction between Father, Son and Holy Spirit. His Subordination; His Work-in the Universe, in Man in General, in the Believer, in the Prophets and Apostles, in Jesus Christ; the baptism with the Holy Spirit. CONCERNING MAN-Original Condition; Fall; Present Standing before God and Condition of Men Outside of the Redemption that is in Jesus Christ; Future Destiny of those who reject the Redemption that is in Jesus Christ; Ju.stifi­ cation; the New Birth; Adoption; Sanctification; Faith; Re­ pentance; Prayer; the Future Destiny of the Saved. CONCERNING ANGELS-Their Nature, Position, Number, Abode, and Work. CONCERNING THE DEVIL, OR SATAN-His Existence, Nature, Position, Character, Abode, Work, and Destiny; Our Duty Towards Him. Enrollment Fee for the Course, Five Dollars.


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